Thursday, January 19, 2006

Chocolate & Yoga

Chocolate & Yoga? Well, I was impressed with the creativity of these workshops, but something about it bugged me. I thought maybe the pure yogini in me was a little offended at another case of over-commerced, diluted yoga. But, in all honesty, I think I was a just a bit miffed that my uniqueness as a fitness instructor who loves fine wine & chocolate is maybe not so unique after all.

Unique or not, I have an invitation for you. In the spirit of Angela's balanced approach to fitness and to life (more on that later), I'm inviting you to the Phit Chicks Winter Open House on Friday night January 27th from 6:00 - 8:00pm. We'll be judging chocolate. That's right -- chocolate at your fitness instructor's house. You'll get to rank several samples on their "treadmill worthiness" and the Phit Chicks will pick our overall indulgence most likely to be worth 15 minutes on the treadmill.

Then we'll do a mini-meal preparation demo. I am going to show you how to put together healthy meals for one week, and we'll do it in under an hour. Rachel Ray's got nothin' on me! Five lunches and five dinners (for one or two people), and I'm going to show you how to do it in under an hour. If you're going to occassionally indulge in chocolate, the only way this balance thing is going to work is if you commit to healthy meals and a smart exercise regimen.

Balance doesn't mean doing everything in the middle; that's too close to doing everything mediocre. So we will eat some good chocolate (as well as some healthier treats) and get psyched to plan healthy meals and work out even smarter in February and March.

Again, the open house is NEXT WEEK on Friday night from 6:00 - 8:00pm, so put it on your calendar now. All Phit Chicks (walking club, Yoga, Equilibrium) are welcome, but RSVP soon, as we can accept a limited number at this dreamy event. After I get your RSVP I'll send you directions.

Two class annnouncements: on Saturday I'm starting the winter "Kid's Cardio Dance Party" so if you know anyone with children 8 - 10 years old, please forward them this. Look at this and scroll down to the class photo. It's too cute and too much fun.
Second class announcement: if you've ever been curious about what they are chanting about in some yoga classes, if you don't know the words Chakra or Ayuveda, or you'd like to learn the basics of meditation, or know how yoga can help with PMS, I have the class for you! "Zen Fitness for Improved Productivity" will help you with your job, your kids, your relationships & your health. And not to worry, it's mainstream, no weird incense burning or anything. It's an evening workshop on Thursday, Feb 9th at the Liberty Community Center, meets only one time and is only $19. Register at 792-6009. If you are a little unsure, go to this site, scroll down and read my friend Lawrence's article on mind-body-spirit connections before registering.

Now about Saturday's walk....with so many Phit Chicks needing to get their cardio done, (we had 25 people at our inaugural winter walk last week - yeah!), the indoor track (as wonderful as it is) gets a little warm. So please dress in layers. We will offer two options: 1) walking indoors like last week. If you do this dress in cool clothes and layers. OR 2) walking an indoor-outdoor circuit. If you do the indoor-outdoor option, please bring a pair of gloves and an easy-on-and-off jacket. The indoor-outdoor folks will do a lap in the parking lot, then shed your jacket (left in the safe hands of the water boys) and then do a couple laps inside.
Hope to see you Saturday. Bring your friends -- everyone is welcome.