Friday, November 09, 2007
Amazing October
What an amazing October. A wonderful month personally for me, and you Phit Chicks just keep amazing me more everyday. If November lives up to half this, I'm not sure I can stand to finish the year.
Hints to make November wonderful:
1) Stock up on those fall veggies: acorn squash, sweet potatoes (SOOOO much better for you than white!), parsnips and peppers. Make some soups or stews or snuggly meals and freeze a few servings for busy evenings.
2) Get out in the air and get moving! Nothing energizes your day like a brisk walk in the fall.
3) Carve out some personal time. Do it now - grab your calendar and schedule that 30 minutes of reading, napping or playing this weekend.
Reminder to Cardio Dance & Yoga Basics students: we have a make up class this Saturday at community center. See you then.
Create a healthy day~
Angela Broderick, MA
Photos above:
Mr Right and I enjoyed the fabulous Vancouver at an annual conference for the North American Primary Care Research Group. My new "day job" is being Executive Director of this association of amazing minds. The red trees were beautiful in Vancouver.
Super-woman Phit Chick Kelly Stripling finished a 50K race (That would be 31 miles. Yep, you read that right.) last weekend "for fun." You continue to inspire us Kelly!
More Phabulous Phit Chicks did the 5k Race of the KC Marathon. From left to right: Tara Menzies, Mary Johnson, Mandy Froehlich, Sharon Muir. Good job girls. Extra kudos to Mary, who finished 8th in her age division! Mandy is on a roll and has everybody running; contact to get the next race dates.
Once wasn't enough for Phit Chick Denise Riley, who completed the Nike Women's 1/2 marathon last year, and had to return to San Fran this year and complete the whole darn 26.2 miles. Way to go Denise!
Sushi with girlfriends. From left: Kathy B, a trainer at Lifetime Fitness; me; Julia, school nurse at Pembroke Hill; and Ironwoman Jene. Seriously, Jene checked off a five-year goal this month by competing in the IronMan Triathlon in Hawaii. She's done a number of ironman distance triathlons, but you have to qualify for the Hawaii Ironman. She got in, she went, she finished, she is remarkable! Crazy, amazing woman! A corporate CFO, single mom-of-three who finds 20 hours a week to train. Way to go Jene!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
What a week.
Last week was a whirlwind at a conference in San Antonio. Got home Friday afternoon and Mr. Right picked me up at the airport. Friday evening included an amazing dinner at Blue Stem followed by a 50th birthday party for a dear friend at a home (practically a museum) near the Nelson Atkins Museum. Saturday was a hilly trek thru Briarcliff followed by snacks at Green Acres Market, rushing off to teach Cardio Dance & Yoga Basics. Then a fast shower and quick trip around I-435 to a meeting where a new trainer I've been consulting for is opening a fitness studio in a few weeks. Whew. After Sunday yoga and brunch with Mr Right I slept for two hours. Still need (and love) eight hours of sleep!
Last week was a whirlwind at a conference in San Antonio. Got home Friday afternoon and Mr. Right picked me up at the airport. Friday evening included an amazing dinner at Blue Stem followed by a 50th birthday party for a dear friend at a home (practically a museum) near the Nelson Atkins Museum. Saturday was a hilly trek thru Briarcliff followed by snacks at Green Acres Market, rushing off to teach Cardio Dance & Yoga Basics. Then a fast shower and quick trip around I-435 to a meeting where a new trainer I've been consulting for is opening a fitness studio in a few weeks. Whew. After Sunday yoga and brunch with Mr Right I slept for two hours. Still need (and love) eight hours of sleep!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
San Antonio
Well, end of another LONG day at a conference..began with early breakfast with a sponsor, many sessions and speakers and ended with a focus group on Rural Health Information Technology.
Have to get to the gym even with my workout fatigue...been two days with no exercise and I feel lousy. Very tired now, heck it's only an hour from my usual bedtime. But I will drag myself there. I will, I will, I will. No margaritas, no mexican food, treadmill.
I do know I'll feel better afterwards. And I must confess, having my network of Phit chicks keeps me honest; one must practice what one preaches!
Have a good evening, and don't forget your "happy-ness" exercise!
Have to get to the gym even with my workout fatigue...been two days with no exercise and I feel lousy. Very tired now, heck it's only an hour from my usual bedtime. But I will drag myself there. I will, I will, I will. No margaritas, no mexican food, treadmill.
I do know I'll feel better afterwards. And I must confess, having my network of Phit chicks keeps me honest; one must practice what one preaches!
Have a good evening, and don't forget your "happy-ness" exercise!
Hope you're planning to come this Saturday when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) we will send you a t-shirt!
And by the way, this new email is working now -- send your questions, comments and thoughts to this address. In case of storms or lightening, always check before you leave; it will be updated by 6:15am.
Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? Well, this book I've been reading has an entire chapter on it. I'm finding it to be so accurate. 80% of your stress probably comes from 20% of your life/issues. And 80% of your happiness certainly comes from 20% of your activities. What are those activities? What do you do that makes you happy? Spend time with friends? Spend time alone? Walk? Move? Listen to music? Going to a class, planting flowers, taking a trip, long baths?
You know where this is going....I bet coming to walking club or exercise class gets you several things on that "makes me happy" list. Put a few more on that list and increase your happy-ness!
Come Saturday to walk. Meet one new Phit chick. Call a current friend you haven't had time to converse with lately, offer to pick her up and bring her.
Here's your challenge: Do one thing every day this weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- that increases your happy-ness.
Remember that Phit Chick Trainer Mandy (who by the way, is looking PHABULOUS in her post-baby body!) has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. Details are at the bottom of this email.
Create a healthy, happy weekend [member_name_first]~
October 20-Waddel and Reed KC Marathon, Kansas City 5K , $25 if you sign up before October 6th. To register click on:
November 18th- Jingle Bells Run/Walk for Arthritis, Zona Rosa ($25 registration)
To join Mandy's team click here and sign up:
And by the way, this new email is working now -- send your questions, comments and thoughts to this address. In case of storms or lightening, always check before you leave; it will be updated by 6:15am.
Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? Well, this book I've been reading has an entire chapter on it. I'm finding it to be so accurate. 80% of your stress probably comes from 20% of your life/issues. And 80% of your happiness certainly comes from 20% of your activities. What are those activities? What do you do that makes you happy? Spend time with friends? Spend time alone? Walk? Move? Listen to music? Going to a class, planting flowers, taking a trip, long baths?
You know where this is going....I bet coming to walking club or exercise class gets you several things on that "makes me happy" list. Put a few more on that list and increase your happy-ness!
Come Saturday to walk. Meet one new Phit chick. Call a current friend you haven't had time to converse with lately, offer to pick her up and bring her.
Here's your challenge: Do one thing every day this weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- that increases your happy-ness.
Remember that Phit Chick Trainer Mandy (who by the way, is looking PHABULOUS in her post-baby body!) has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. Details are at the bottom of this email.
Create a healthy, happy weekend [member_name_first]~
October 20-Waddel and Reed KC Marathon, Kansas City 5K , $25 if you sign up before October 6th. To register click on:
November 18th- Jingle Bells Run/Walk for Arthritis, Zona Rosa ($25 registration)
To join Mandy's team click here and sign up:
the in's and out's of sucking it in :)
I mentioned that have been reading Tim Ferriss's "Four Hour Work Week" and last week, I mentioned NOT managing your time.
This week, I enjoyed the rest of the book and his encouragement to free up time to do what you love. Stuff you love, stuff you want to do. Ever thought of doing a race? Phit Chick Trainer Mandy has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. She was kind enough to share the details -- note them at the bottom.
Mark your calendar now for Saturday Oct 6th when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) get a t-shirt!
I've started a new session of Yoga Basics, and the students are grappling with the "engaging the abs" and the "breathing." Pilates and yoga teach different breathing, but there's so much to learn before you get to the point of discussing the differences. With Pilates, there's an emphasis on a forced exhalation to draw in the transverse muscles, thereby allowing all abdominal muscles a deeper contraction.
Just remember, do NOT "suck it in" and hold your breath. Try very hard to practice (always, right now even!) to pull your lower abdominal muscles in, just wake them up.
If you've been in my classes you've heard a million times to "zip up your jeans." And that's what you're after, not buttoning a tight skirt, and consequently "sucking it in" but zipping up the lowest abdominal muscles.
And it's similar but different for cardio. If you enjoy indoor cycling (I certainly love it!), this article explains more about diagphramatic breathing in spinnning class.
This week, I enjoyed the rest of the book and his encouragement to free up time to do what you love. Stuff you love, stuff you want to do. Ever thought of doing a race? Phit Chick Trainer Mandy has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. She was kind enough to share the details -- note them at the bottom.
Mark your calendar now for Saturday Oct 6th when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) get a t-shirt!
I've started a new session of Yoga Basics, and the students are grappling with the "engaging the abs" and the "breathing." Pilates and yoga teach different breathing, but there's so much to learn before you get to the point of discussing the differences. With Pilates, there's an emphasis on a forced exhalation to draw in the transverse muscles, thereby allowing all abdominal muscles a deeper contraction.
Just remember, do NOT "suck it in" and hold your breath. Try very hard to practice (always, right now even!) to pull your lower abdominal muscles in, just wake them up.
If you've been in my classes you've heard a million times to "zip up your jeans." And that's what you're after, not buttoning a tight skirt, and consequently "sucking it in" but zipping up the lowest abdominal muscles.
And it's similar but different for cardio. If you enjoy indoor cycling (I certainly love it!), this article explains more about diagphramatic breathing in spinnning class.
Friday, September 21, 2007
yoga and Christianity
I got an email from my sweetheart cousin Beth in DC. She asked me about an article recently in Christianity Today about yoga. She said she didn't remember me doing the "OM" in my classes.
It made me want to point out one more time that Christians can (and should) do yoga.
Beth is right, I don't do the "OM" -- not because I think it's honoring another "spirit" or any of that, but because it makes people uncomfortable, which is NOT the point. Besides I can't sing. :)
To be honest the OM is pretty misunderstood. The idea behind it is that the vibrations of the vocal cords warm the body internally and set the mind's focus on the breath (sort of like singing forces you to pay attention to your breath). People can bring whatever spiritual component they want to it but the truth is, that's what it's really about. Nothing to fear.
I have really studied all the spiritual sides of yoga, and they really do not conflict with Christianity. I've decided it's like saying the pledge of allegiance with your hand on your heart -- it's not worshiping a graven image --- it's a completely separate thing. You can be a patriotic American and also a Christian. Same thing: you can be a Christian and practice any aspect of yoga. To be honest, and don't quote me on this because it will be misunderstood, the yoga sutras are completely parrallel with the teachings of Christ -- all about loving and doing good. They don't involve worship of any kind.
I always tell people that going to yoga is like going to a movie -- it might be a romantic comedy, it might be a Disney show, or it might be a "Die Hard" experience. :) Truly, I've been to rejuventating lay-on-your-back and breathe the whole hour classes and to others that were complete sweat fests. And I've been to classes where the teacher really got into the meditation and chakras and others where they didn't. Current exercise science research is showing that the "chakras" are actually points in the body that correspond to "intersections" of nerves in the central nervous system and to glands that produce hormones. So there's a complete physical reason; no magic for crying out loud. This is very cool to me, as it shows that those people in India thousands of years ago were on to something (how the heck did they know? there were no physiologists, I really think God gave it to them). It also shows (I think) that the body has many gifts to recieve from yoga. And of course I believe yoga is a gift from God, and all the benefits of yoga are a gift from God.
The other controversy you'll see is based in a fear of India -- many people in India are Hindu, and so there is an association of yoga with Hindu. To further confuse the issue, there ARE types of yoga that do have roots in Hinduism, but not all. Yoga is global; all kinds do it.
Create a healthy, happy weekend
It made me want to point out one more time that Christians can (and should) do yoga.
Beth is right, I don't do the "OM" -- not because I think it's honoring another "spirit" or any of that, but because it makes people uncomfortable, which is NOT the point. Besides I can't sing. :)
To be honest the OM is pretty misunderstood. The idea behind it is that the vibrations of the vocal cords warm the body internally and set the mind's focus on the breath (sort of like singing forces you to pay attention to your breath). People can bring whatever spiritual component they want to it but the truth is, that's what it's really about. Nothing to fear.
I have really studied all the spiritual sides of yoga, and they really do not conflict with Christianity. I've decided it's like saying the pledge of allegiance with your hand on your heart -- it's not worshiping a graven image --- it's a completely separate thing. You can be a patriotic American and also a Christian. Same thing: you can be a Christian and practice any aspect of yoga. To be honest, and don't quote me on this because it will be misunderstood, the yoga sutras are completely parrallel with the teachings of Christ -- all about loving and doing good. They don't involve worship of any kind.
I always tell people that going to yoga is like going to a movie -- it might be a romantic comedy, it might be a Disney show, or it might be a "Die Hard" experience. :) Truly, I've been to rejuventating lay-on-your-back and breathe the whole hour classes and to others that were complete sweat fests. And I've been to classes where the teacher really got into the meditation and chakras and others where they didn't. Current exercise science research is showing that the "chakras" are actually points in the body that correspond to "intersections" of nerves in the central nervous system and to glands that produce hormones. So there's a complete physical reason; no magic for crying out loud. This is very cool to me, as it shows that those people in India thousands of years ago were on to something (how the heck did they know? there were no physiologists, I really think God gave it to them). It also shows (I think) that the body has many gifts to recieve from yoga. And of course I believe yoga is a gift from God, and all the benefits of yoga are a gift from God.
The other controversy you'll see is based in a fear of India -- many people in India are Hindu, and so there is an association of yoga with Hindu. To further confuse the issue, there ARE types of yoga that do have roots in Hinduism, but not all. Yoga is global; all kinds do it.
Create a healthy, happy weekend
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
lose yourself
I was walking and listening to Eminem sing...."lose yourself, the music, the moment, you own it, you better never let it go" and thinking about how GOOD it feels to sweat to great tunes.
Also been seeing this trainer, Tracy Anderson in the media everywhere -- W, Bazaar, every magazine in the airport. She's apparently risen to fame with her workout program that includes Pilates exercises and dance-based aerobics. I got suckered in and ordered the DVD. It's not bad. The music is great. Though I prefer for dance fitness videos. Apparently, though the Gwenneth Paltrow's and Madonna's of the world have been at this Tracy's studio and she's quite the buzz in LA.
Well, it's not quite LA, but in the fall you can take "Cardio Dance" on Saturday mornings at the community center and get in a groovin' music-sweat calorie-burn. Easy to follow too. My promise: only three moves per song.
If you can use a little extra cardio in the fall, come to walking club at 7, then stay for Cardio Dance at 8:15. You'll be sportin' a tiny waist for Halloween :)
The walking club and ALL the fall classes start after Labor Day; get yourself signed up.
Hope it's on your calendar by now... Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th, "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." Click here to download the flyer.
Green Acres has generously agreed to be a sponsor for our fall walking club; be sure and thank them when you're in there.
Create a healthy, happy Labor Day weekend.
In fitness & in health,
Also been seeing this trainer, Tracy Anderson in the media everywhere -- W, Bazaar, every magazine in the airport. She's apparently risen to fame with her workout program that includes Pilates exercises and dance-based aerobics. I got suckered in and ordered the DVD. It's not bad. The music is great. Though I prefer for dance fitness videos. Apparently, though the Gwenneth Paltrow's and Madonna's of the world have been at this Tracy's studio and she's quite the buzz in LA.
Well, it's not quite LA, but in the fall you can take "Cardio Dance" on Saturday mornings at the community center and get in a groovin' music-sweat calorie-burn. Easy to follow too. My promise: only three moves per song.
If you can use a little extra cardio in the fall, come to walking club at 7, then stay for Cardio Dance at 8:15. You'll be sportin' a tiny waist for Halloween :)
The walking club and ALL the fall classes start after Labor Day; get yourself signed up.
Hope it's on your calendar by now... Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th, "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." Click here to download the flyer.
Green Acres has generously agreed to be a sponsor for our fall walking club; be sure and thank them when you're in there.
Create a healthy, happy Labor Day weekend.
In fitness & in health,
the good, the bread, the ugly
Ok, about this summer shed program.
I had some good experiences with it personally. And a couple embarrassing ones.
About a month ago I flew to DC to meet with my boss (I've decided that a boss 1,000 miles away is a real boost to career success -- but that's another discussion). I taught the 5:45am Wed yoga class, flew thru the bathroom and traded my yoga top for a t-shirt and put on a jacket. Mr Right was waiting to whisk me to the airport to catch a 7:50 flight. Got on the plane armed with my travel necessities: a banana, an energy bar, a book and my iPod. Easy flight. Landed, did the airport thing with the luggage and cab and went right to my DC office. My boss was waiting, then immediately after him my colleagues. Back to back meetings until 6pm. Now I'd like to tell you I snuck away for healthy snacks, and I can tell you I got my water in. But by 6:30 I was absolutely ravenous. A workout, a flight and a 12-hour workday on a couple hundred calories. Sounds like the ultimate get-skinny plan, doesn't it?
I wish.
I walked over to King Street and decided Greek food sounded good. Sat down and ordered a lemon-garlic Chicken dish, light on the sauce, with steamed vegetables. Life is good.
Except the waiter came around the corner with a basket of bread. Not a problem for me, I don't even like bread. But then he showed me this little flask full of dark green olive oil with little swishes of pureed parsley and garlic. He put it in a saucer and tells me I have to try it. It smells divine.
The bread had the "I look whole grain but I'm probably starchy-white flour with food coloring thrown in" appearance. One piece I decide. Well, my hunger turned into a freakin' monster. Does that ever happen to you after the first bite? I know I'm hungry, but my taste buds are suddenly the Angela-pilot instead of my brain.
That garlicky-parsley oil was amazing. I had three pieces of that bread. Yes, there were only three pieces in the basket. And when my yummy chicken and veggies arrived I couldn't eat 1/4 of it.
Darn waiter. He had me at the parsley-garlic scent.
Lessons? You already know, don't you?
Eat, for crying out loud. Don't wait until the end of the day to wait the appetite monster. And plan for your whole day. Planning for a flight is automatic for me; I have snacks in my bag before I've packed my suitcase. But I didn't think past noon. When I got off that plane I didn't think to go eat because I wasn't going to have time to breathe the rest of the day.
And tell the waiter "NO BREAD!" when he/she takes your order. Heck, tell them the minute you sit down.
Last week I mentioned that Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th. A timely and important women's health topic: "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." Click here to download the flyer; it's also on (see "Resources).
Plan your meals and have a healthy week
In fitness & in health,
I had some good experiences with it personally. And a couple embarrassing ones.
About a month ago I flew to DC to meet with my boss (I've decided that a boss 1,000 miles away is a real boost to career success -- but that's another discussion). I taught the 5:45am Wed yoga class, flew thru the bathroom and traded my yoga top for a t-shirt and put on a jacket. Mr Right was waiting to whisk me to the airport to catch a 7:50 flight. Got on the plane armed with my travel necessities: a banana, an energy bar, a book and my iPod. Easy flight. Landed, did the airport thing with the luggage and cab and went right to my DC office. My boss was waiting, then immediately after him my colleagues. Back to back meetings until 6pm. Now I'd like to tell you I snuck away for healthy snacks, and I can tell you I got my water in. But by 6:30 I was absolutely ravenous. A workout, a flight and a 12-hour workday on a couple hundred calories. Sounds like the ultimate get-skinny plan, doesn't it?
I wish.
I walked over to King Street and decided Greek food sounded good. Sat down and ordered a lemon-garlic Chicken dish, light on the sauce, with steamed vegetables. Life is good.
Except the waiter came around the corner with a basket of bread. Not a problem for me, I don't even like bread. But then he showed me this little flask full of dark green olive oil with little swishes of pureed parsley and garlic. He put it in a saucer and tells me I have to try it. It smells divine.
The bread had the "I look whole grain but I'm probably starchy-white flour with food coloring thrown in" appearance. One piece I decide. Well, my hunger turned into a freakin' monster. Does that ever happen to you after the first bite? I know I'm hungry, but my taste buds are suddenly the Angela-pilot instead of my brain.
That garlicky-parsley oil was amazing. I had three pieces of that bread. Yes, there were only three pieces in the basket. And when my yummy chicken and veggies arrived I couldn't eat 1/4 of it.
Darn waiter. He had me at the parsley-garlic scent.
Lessons? You already know, don't you?
Eat, for crying out loud. Don't wait until the end of the day to wait the appetite monster. And plan for your whole day. Planning for a flight is automatic for me; I have snacks in my bag before I've packed my suitcase. But I didn't think past noon. When I got off that plane I didn't think to go eat because I wasn't going to have time to breathe the rest of the day.
And tell the waiter "NO BREAD!" when he/she takes your order. Heck, tell them the minute you sit down.
Last week I mentioned that Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th. A timely and important women's health topic: "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." Click here to download the flyer; it's also on (see "Resources).
Plan your meals and have a healthy week
In fitness & in health,
Friday, August 17, 2007
Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act
Hi there [member_name_first]~
I sooooooooooo love the Windy City! Just returned from four wonderful days in Chicago. Enjoyed learning sessions at a conference, plenty of walking, shopping and a COOl breeze off the lake.
Important stuff this week!
I met with Shannon at Green Acres last week -- a very sweet gal with a cool business. (You HAVE to go there. The yummy smelling soy candles and organic soaps are reason enough.) Anyway, Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th. A timely and important women's health topic: "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." The flyer is on our website (see "Resources), but put this on your calendar now.
Here are three fun ways to stay cool in this KC heat:
1) freeze juice in ice cube trays and drop them in Diet Sprite for a delish punch-like drink
2) finish your shower with a cool blast of water. Come on - they do it at spas and charge a fortune.
3) dress in light clothes, keep your hair off your neck and face, and forget the make up -- then it's easy to wipe your face with a cool wet cloth any time of day.
A wedding photographer told me one time that when brides are about to overheat, they rub ice on the inside of their wrists, where the blood runs close to the surface of the skin. I swear it works.
Thanks for your interest in our Phit & Phabulous classes that start this fall. Including the flyer again if you missed it. A note of clarification: there's a new "Yoga Basics" class on Saturdays at the community center and also a "Yoga 101" workshop. The workshop is a chance to listen, watch and then try the basic poses and sequences -- please forward to any friends who want to try yoga and haven't quite signed up yet.
Last week I shared info on a bill about payment for post-masectomy care. I decided signing a petition is great, but I think we should make some phones ring. (Besides I found out the petition listed the bill numbers from the first time the bill was introduced, not the bill numbers of 2007.) So call your congressional representatives and tell them you expect them to support Bill # HR119 & S 459. If you live in Liberty your representative is Sam Graves and the local office number is 792-3976. In Missouri, our senators are Kit Bond and Claire McCaskill, their DC office numbers are:
Bond: 202-224-5721
McCaskill 202-224-6154
So make a phone call, stay cool and fit in your exercise.
In fitness & in health,
I sooooooooooo love the Windy City! Just returned from four wonderful days in Chicago. Enjoyed learning sessions at a conference, plenty of walking, shopping and a COOl breeze off the lake.
Important stuff this week!
I met with Shannon at Green Acres last week -- a very sweet gal with a cool business. (You HAVE to go there. The yummy smelling soy candles and organic soaps are reason enough.) Anyway, Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th. A timely and important women's health topic: "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." The flyer is on our website (see "Resources), but put this on your calendar now.
Here are three fun ways to stay cool in this KC heat:
1) freeze juice in ice cube trays and drop them in Diet Sprite for a delish punch-like drink
2) finish your shower with a cool blast of water. Come on - they do it at spas and charge a fortune.
3) dress in light clothes, keep your hair off your neck and face, and forget the make up -- then it's easy to wipe your face with a cool wet cloth any time of day.
A wedding photographer told me one time that when brides are about to overheat, they rub ice on the inside of their wrists, where the blood runs close to the surface of the skin. I swear it works.
Thanks for your interest in our Phit & Phabulous classes that start this fall. Including the flyer again if you missed it. A note of clarification: there's a new "Yoga Basics" class on Saturdays at the community center and also a "Yoga 101" workshop. The workshop is a chance to listen, watch and then try the basic poses and sequences -- please forward to any friends who want to try yoga and haven't quite signed up yet.
Last week I shared info on a bill about payment for post-masectomy care. I decided signing a petition is great, but I think we should make some phones ring. (Besides I found out the petition listed the bill numbers from the first time the bill was introduced, not the bill numbers of 2007.) So call your congressional representatives and tell them you expect them to support Bill # HR119 & S 459. If you live in Liberty your representative is Sam Graves and the local office number is 792-3976. In Missouri, our senators are Kit Bond and Claire McCaskill, their DC office numbers are:
Bond: 202-224-5721
McCaskill 202-224-6154
So make a phone call, stay cool and fit in your exercise.
In fitness & in health,
"Mama Wants Her Abs Back" & Kudos to Laura S.
"Mama Wants Her Abs Back: Post-natal Core Conditioning" is a new class this fall. Will be offered at the community center; meets twice on Mondays, 6:45 - 7:45pm, Sept 17 & 24th. The community center now offers online registration:
Kudos to Phit Chick trainer Laura Sorens -- knew she was a super stud soccer coach, but learned she was also a "Teacher of the Year" (the Liberty School District's newsletter I got last week had her picture in it). Way to go Laura! Take this super woman's Equilibrium class Tues & Thurs evenings and soak up some of her energy!
Kudos to Phit Chick trainer Laura Sorens -- knew she was a super stud soccer coach, but learned she was also a "Teacher of the Year" (the Liberty School District's newsletter I got last week had her picture in it). Way to go Laura! Take this super woman's Equilibrium class Tues & Thurs evenings and soak up some of her energy!
fall Phit & Phabulous classes
Hi there
A political note today...there's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through mastectomy' where sometimes women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached. Personally, I don't see the *&^+#* question here.
Sign the petition by clicking here if you feel it's something you support. Thanks from the trainer and friend of dozens of survivors!
Excited to share all of our Phit & Phabulous classes that start this fall. Download the flyer here. Early morning yoga will now be at Elite Dance Center, there's an additional Sunday class and a new "Yoga Basics" workshop. Mandy's evening Equilibrium and all EQ2 classes will now be held at Pinnacle Physical Therapy on Kansas Street. Read more in the flyer.
In addition, we'll be offering the following Equilibrium classes at the community center:
1) Tues & Thurs 5:15pm with Laura code: 8232.302
2) Wed 5:30pm & Sat 10:45am code: 8232.305
3) Wed & Fri 5:35 am code: 8232.303 team taught with Angela and a new trainer (you're gonna love her!)
And I'm SOOOOO excited about Kid's Cardio Dance, which will be back this fall on Saturdays at 10am. Get your child off their seat and on their feet -- sign them up. Register for these classes online if you like -- the link is to the right.
Remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you!
In fitness & in health,
A political note today...there's a bill called the Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act which will require insurance companies to cover a minimum 48-hour hospital stay for patients undergoing a mastectomy. It's about eliminating the 'drive-through mastectomy' where sometimes women are forced to go home just a few hours after surgery, against the wishes of their doctor, still groggy from anesthesia and sometimes with drainage tubes still attached. Personally, I don't see the *&^+#* question here.
Sign the petition by clicking here if you feel it's something you support. Thanks from the trainer and friend of dozens of survivors!
Excited to share all of our Phit & Phabulous classes that start this fall. Download the flyer here. Early morning yoga will now be at Elite Dance Center, there's an additional Sunday class and a new "Yoga Basics" workshop. Mandy's evening Equilibrium and all EQ2 classes will now be held at Pinnacle Physical Therapy on Kansas Street. Read more in the flyer.
In addition, we'll be offering the following Equilibrium classes at the community center:
1) Tues & Thurs 5:15pm with Laura code: 8232.302
2) Wed 5:30pm & Sat 10:45am code: 8232.305
3) Wed & Fri 5:35 am code: 8232.303 team taught with Angela and a new trainer (you're gonna love her!)
And I'm SOOOOO excited about Kid's Cardio Dance, which will be back this fall on Saturdays at 10am. Get your child off their seat and on their feet -- sign them up. Register for these classes online if you like -- the link is to the right.
Remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you!
In fitness & in health,
Friday, July 06, 2007
Stability Ball, Dance & Aqua
Hi Phit Chicks. I'm taking a much needed afternoon break, sitting near the balcony and occasionally gazing at the sailboats in the harbor and the amazing blue sky and water. I swear it's always room temperature in this city. Absolutely beautiful.
The day started with me observing (OBSERVING, not taking class -- have six more hours of this, too old and too smart to over do it) a dance class called Body Jam. Then to the opening ceremonies of the convention. Heard an amazing keynote speech on the Wellness Revolution. The speaker, now in his mid-50's (looking mid-30s) gave us mind-provoking info. He also told a cute story: He lives in Utah and joined a buddy's mountain biking group. He had to have his wife take him 2/3 of the way up the ride, then he did the final third with the group. He was 45, and his buddy was 65. He said to his friend,"HOW do you do this? I am 45 and I can only do the last third."
His 65-year old friend replied, "Don't worry about it, I couldn't do the whole thing either when I was 45." :)
Better with each day that goes by.
After the keynote I went to a stability ball workshop and learned a few more abdominal exercises that my Sunday yoga class is going to LOVE! Can't wait to share.
And then I went to the highly energetic exhibit hall to try out some new equipment and check out the new music. Then off to another session, this time a dance-based cardio. I came back to the room a few minutes early to enjoy the balcony and fresh air, and am hoping to get re-energized before the party tonight. There is a water aerobics class going on outside and I can hear the instructor so I feel like I'm still in workshop mode. Been a long 12 hours. Whew. I'll find the energy though. Nothing gives me new life like learning.
Hi Phit Chicks. I'm taking a much needed afternoon break, sitting near the balcony and occasionally gazing at the sailboats in the harbor and the amazing blue sky and water. I swear it's always room temperature in this city. Absolutely beautiful.
The day started with me observing (OBSERVING, not taking class -- have six more hours of this, too old and too smart to over do it) a dance class called Body Jam. Then to the opening ceremonies of the convention. Heard an amazing keynote speech on the Wellness Revolution. The speaker, now in his mid-50's (looking mid-30s) gave us mind-provoking info. He also told a cute story: He lives in Utah and joined a buddy's mountain biking group. He had to have his wife take him 2/3 of the way up the ride, then he did the final third with the group. He was 45, and his buddy was 65. He said to his friend,"HOW do you do this? I am 45 and I can only do the last third."
His 65-year old friend replied, "Don't worry about it, I couldn't do the whole thing either when I was 45." :)
Better with each day that goes by.
After the keynote I went to a stability ball workshop and learned a few more abdominal exercises that my Sunday yoga class is going to LOVE! Can't wait to share.
And then I went to the highly energetic exhibit hall to try out some new equipment and check out the new music. Then off to another session, this time a dance-based cardio. I came back to the room a few minutes early to enjoy the balcony and fresh air, and am hoping to get re-energized before the party tonight. There is a water aerobics class going on outside and I can hear the instructor so I feel like I'm still in workshop mode. Been a long 12 hours. Whew. I'll find the energy though. Nothing gives me new life like learning.
Hip Hips
With apologies to Cosmopolitan and like magazines, here's a quiz to determine your "hip-ness"...
1. What's your favorite yoga pose to release the hips? Pigeon? Dancer's pose? (If you don't have one, skip to #6.)
2. Do you sit in a chair more than two hours a day?
3. Do you sleep on your side?
4. Do regularly you run, walk or do step aerobics?
5. Do you want to prevent future low back pain?
6. If you answered "yes" to any of the above then sign up immediately for "Hip Hips" a workshop coming August 4th. Email me to reserve your spot -- enrollment is limited to assure personal attention.
A reminder ..."Get out of BED (Blame, Excuses, Denial)" was referenced in the eNewsletter a couple weeks ago. Have you been saying:
"I am so happy & grateful that I live the life of a thin, fit person"
Not to late to start. Never too late to start (thank goodness).
Cool Things Going On:
"Hip Hips," a workshop on yoga poses, adjustments, stretches as well as traditional exercises for our all-too-tight and too-weak hips (typical in America). Yoga experience is NOT a pre-requisite. Saturday, August 4th, 8:30 - 11:30 am. $29 if you pre-pay by July 20th. I can email you a paypal invoice OR you can mail a check to the address below.
Our " Phit Chicks Summer Shed" program is off and running. If you'd like to take off 4, 6 or 8 pounds by Labor Day, you can still get started. Go to , click on Resources and print out the "Summer Shed '07."
A new class at a new place: Tues 5:30pm Pilates-Yoga class at Pinnacle. Download the flyer here.
Want to feel like a million bucks on Labor Day? Try our August session of evening Equilibrium with Mandy. Will meet on Mon & Thurs at 5:30pm, Aug 6th - 27th. Seven sessions, $95, no membership or guest fees. Email me for more info.
In fitness and in health,
1. What's your favorite yoga pose to release the hips? Pigeon? Dancer's pose? (If you don't have one, skip to #6.)
2. Do you sit in a chair more than two hours a day?
3. Do you sleep on your side?
4. Do regularly you run, walk or do step aerobics?
5. Do you want to prevent future low back pain?
6. If you answered "yes" to any of the above then sign up immediately for "Hip Hips" a workshop coming August 4th. Email me to reserve your spot -- enrollment is limited to assure personal attention.
A reminder ..."Get out of BED (Blame, Excuses, Denial)" was referenced in the eNewsletter a couple weeks ago. Have you been saying:
"I am so happy & grateful that I live the life of a thin, fit person"
Not to late to start. Never too late to start (thank goodness).
Cool Things Going On:
"Hip Hips," a workshop on yoga poses, adjustments, stretches as well as traditional exercises for our all-too-tight and too-weak hips (typical in America). Yoga experience is NOT a pre-requisite. Saturday, August 4th, 8:30 - 11:30 am. $29 if you pre-pay by July 20th. I can email you a paypal invoice OR you can mail a check to the address below.
Our " Phit Chicks Summer Shed" program is off and running. If you'd like to take off 4, 6 or 8 pounds by Labor Day, you can still get started. Go to , click on Resources and print out the "Summer Shed '07."
A new class at a new place: Tues 5:30pm Pilates-Yoga class at Pinnacle. Download the flyer here.
Want to feel like a million bucks on Labor Day? Try our August session of evening Equilibrium with Mandy. Will meet on Mon & Thurs at 5:30pm, Aug 6th - 27th. Seven sessions, $95, no membership or guest fees. Email me for more info.
In fitness and in health,
Hello from San Diego!
Yesterday was a full day of a yoga pre-conference program. Heard from Lorna Francis, PhD, about the connection of the mind and body, and how instructors inadvertently teach clients to control their mind by teaching control of the body. We've heard that exercise is more efficient with the mind engaged, but Dr Francis theory is that by "exercising" control of the body (i.e. where your arm is placed, where your body is in space) you learn to better control your mind. Interesting. Then a wonderful session, "Yoga with Intention" with Lauren Eirk. Liked her so much I stayed for the next one she taught, "Progressions in Yoga," -- always been a big deal to me -- studios so often have no intermediary steps. The teacher shows a pose, then you are supposed to do it, or not. The fitness teacher in me always has been big into teaching progression. Ms Eirk shared some fabulous ideas and thoughts that I am anxious to implement. Then Lawrence Biscontini did a very imaginative mind-body circuit, using foam rollers, gliding discs and combined yoga, tai chi, Pilates and Feldenkrais. What a day!
Yesterday was a full day of a yoga pre-conference program. Heard from Lorna Francis, PhD, about the connection of the mind and body, and how instructors inadvertently teach clients to control their mind by teaching control of the body. We've heard that exercise is more efficient with the mind engaged, but Dr Francis theory is that by "exercising" control of the body (i.e. where your arm is placed, where your body is in space) you learn to better control your mind. Interesting. Then a wonderful session, "Yoga with Intention" with Lauren Eirk. Liked her so much I stayed for the next one she taught, "Progressions in Yoga," -- always been a big deal to me -- studios so often have no intermediary steps. The teacher shows a pose, then you are supposed to do it, or not. The fitness teacher in me always has been big into teaching progression. Ms Eirk shared some fabulous ideas and thoughts that I am anxious to implement. Then Lawrence Biscontini did a very imaginative mind-body circuit, using foam rollers, gliding discs and combined yoga, tai chi, Pilates and Feldenkrais. What a day!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy Fourth of July
Start your day with positive inputs; how's this for a getting-started success story...
I am doing great on the summer shed program. I lost 3 pounds this week! Woo-hoo! I’ve never seen results that fast! And, I have so much more energy. I had no idea how the “white stuff” was effecting me. Thanks!
Have you started your Summer Shed program? You can still download it on the website -- and click on "Resources."
THIS TUESDAY, July 3rd, I will have my usual Tuesday 5:40am yoga class at the Liberty Community Center -- and this week it's community yoga, meaning all are welcome. That's right, F. R. E. E. yoga on Tuesday -- get yourself supple and centered for the Fourth.
Remember no Equilibrium classes this week due to July 4th holiday and so many folks out of town. Including me, as I'm taking off to a major fitness convention in San Diego. The program is very interesting, as it's usually an indicator of national exercise trends...and this year it's almost all Pilates (mat and equipment based) and yoga. Still lots of cardio, but almost no step classes. Loads of spinning, triathlon training, running & walking programs and dance-based classes. (If you like "Dancing with the Stars" ask me about my Cardio Dance class starting this fall.) My agenda at this conference includes a half-day session on MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques) which should be very useful as it seems everybody has aches & pains these days, as well as workshops like "Yoga with Intention," "An In-Depth Look at the Knee Joint," and "'80's Dance Groove." The last of these will probably have me laughing so hard I can't even break a sweat to Duran Duran or whatever that playlist has in store for us.
I am very excited about this convention, and will be peridically posting updates on the Phit Chicks blog, so if you're curious about a deeper level of learning or just want a dose of "confessions of a fitness instructor," check out Hope to cyber-connect with you there.
Have a happy Fourth of July; celebrate to the fullest with a swim, a parade, some watermelon or sparklers.
Create a healthy day~
I am doing great on the summer shed program. I lost 3 pounds this week! Woo-hoo! I’ve never seen results that fast! And, I have so much more energy. I had no idea how the “white stuff” was effecting me. Thanks!
Have you started your Summer Shed program? You can still download it on the website -- and click on "Resources."
THIS TUESDAY, July 3rd, I will have my usual Tuesday 5:40am yoga class at the Liberty Community Center -- and this week it's community yoga, meaning all are welcome. That's right, F. R. E. E. yoga on Tuesday -- get yourself supple and centered for the Fourth.
Remember no Equilibrium classes this week due to July 4th holiday and so many folks out of town. Including me, as I'm taking off to a major fitness convention in San Diego. The program is very interesting, as it's usually an indicator of national exercise trends...and this year it's almost all Pilates (mat and equipment based) and yoga. Still lots of cardio, but almost no step classes. Loads of spinning, triathlon training, running & walking programs and dance-based classes. (If you like "Dancing with the Stars" ask me about my Cardio Dance class starting this fall.) My agenda at this conference includes a half-day session on MAT (Muscle Activation Techniques) which should be very useful as it seems everybody has aches & pains these days, as well as workshops like "Yoga with Intention," "An In-Depth Look at the Knee Joint," and "'80's Dance Groove." The last of these will probably have me laughing so hard I can't even break a sweat to Duran Duran or whatever that playlist has in store for us.
I am very excited about this convention, and will be peridically posting updates on the Phit Chicks blog, so if you're curious about a deeper level of learning or just want a dose of "confessions of a fitness instructor," check out Hope to cyber-connect with you there.
Have a happy Fourth of July; celebrate to the fullest with a swim, a parade, some watermelon or sparklers.
Create a healthy day~
Monday, June 04, 2007
my curtsy lunge
I just read this article in Forbes online about David Kirsch and his "reverse crossover lunge" -- and screamed (to myself) "that's my curtsy lunge!" I have a love-hate relationship with celebrity trainers; they are so inspiring and yet I feel like the are cheating.
Cheating because they steal my moves? Of course not. A good idea is a good idea, and the "great minds" cliche applies here.
David Kirsch wrote a decent book, The Ultimate New York Diet, but is best known for getting Heidi Klum in runway shape just weeks (like three months) after giving birth. Ok, I'll be fair, kudos to David. His diet book and his exercises are based on solid fitness principles.
But... before you go trying to Google & hire this $400-per-hour guy, take a good look at Heidi Klum. And her 30 inch torso. As my Mr. Right says, "How can you screw that body up?"
Seriously, I think as long as you didn't sit there and feed her donuts for an hour, you're a shoe-in success. Being Heidi Klum's personal trainer is about the best gig around.
On a less serious (more serious?) note, a couple brief yoga thoughts...
At the end of meditation sessions in a good yoga class, you'll hear some inspirational, warm fuzzy messages. Recently I took a very good class and the instructor offered empowerment to "let go of what is no longer serving you." Wow. Think about that one. It actually encouraged me to move my EQ2 group to a different location (read on).
I took a training class yesterday from Paula Tortolano and didn't know I could get so excited about Trikonasana (triangle pose). Can't wait to show you all I learned. Going back tomorrow to learn more on backbends.
Cool Things Going On:
New sessions of "Equilibrium: Balanced Fitness for Women" start this week at the community center. More times, including a 9:00am for you teachers who want to go to school feeling super fit in the fall.
You long-time Eq clients need a boost. The energy was beginning to lull in our last few classes (yes, you worked hard, but you're falling into a "routine") and I am going to "kick it up a notch" as Emeril would say. Email me for details (times, locations, etc).
Create a healthy day,
Cheating because they steal my moves? Of course not. A good idea is a good idea, and the "great minds" cliche applies here.
David Kirsch wrote a decent book, The Ultimate New York Diet, but is best known for getting Heidi Klum in runway shape just weeks (like three months) after giving birth. Ok, I'll be fair, kudos to David. His diet book and his exercises are based on solid fitness principles.
But... before you go trying to Google & hire this $400-per-hour guy, take a good look at Heidi Klum. And her 30 inch torso. As my Mr. Right says, "How can you screw that body up?"
Seriously, I think as long as you didn't sit there and feed her donuts for an hour, you're a shoe-in success. Being Heidi Klum's personal trainer is about the best gig around.
On a less serious (more serious?) note, a couple brief yoga thoughts...
At the end of meditation sessions in a good yoga class, you'll hear some inspirational, warm fuzzy messages. Recently I took a very good class and the instructor offered empowerment to "let go of what is no longer serving you." Wow. Think about that one. It actually encouraged me to move my EQ2 group to a different location (read on).
I took a training class yesterday from Paula Tortolano and didn't know I could get so excited about Trikonasana (triangle pose). Can't wait to show you all I learned. Going back tomorrow to learn more on backbends.
Cool Things Going On:
New sessions of "Equilibrium: Balanced Fitness for Women" start this week at the community center. More times, including a 9:00am for you teachers who want to go to school feeling super fit in the fall.
You long-time Eq clients need a boost. The energy was beginning to lull in our last few classes (yes, you worked hard, but you're falling into a "routine") and I am going to "kick it up a notch" as Emeril would say. Email me for details (times, locations, etc).
Create a healthy day,
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
this is your brain on yoga
One more hello from Alaska.
A reminder of the Memorial Day workshops:
I will be doing a Yoga Masterclass on Saturday morning and a workshop on Monday morning.
If you're intrigued by the above steps, plan to attend the workshop on Monday and learn all eight, as well as more about chakras and the basics of meditation. This workshop is like a mini-retreat, and runs from 9:00 to 11:00 am. It includes a learning session (hopefully outdoors if weather is nice) and a mini-class; email me at for info.
Create a Phit day, and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
A reminder of the Memorial Day workshops:
I will be doing a Yoga Masterclass on Saturday morning and a workshop on Monday morning.
If you're intrigued by the above steps, plan to attend the workshop on Monday and learn all eight, as well as more about chakras and the basics of meditation. This workshop is like a mini-retreat, and runs from 9:00 to 11:00 am. It includes a learning session (hopefully outdoors if weather is nice) and a mini-class; email me at for info.
Create a Phit day, and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
"what's age got to do with it?"
This week the Phit Chick news is inspired by Gail Sheehy, author of the famed Passages and her latest, >>> and the Seasoned Woman. In a recent interview Ms Sheehy talks about recharging passion, and, yes, dear readers, once again you can guess the magic answers...
"When I start losing interest, it's usually because I feel fat and unhappy. I go on a salmon-and-salad regimen and become a gym rat until I feel attractive to myself again, and my husband's interest follows."
Hmmmm. Is it just me or is every author and expert (from skin care to parenting to business success to s. e. x.) advising healthy nutrition and exercise?
Not into books? Let's go to Hollywood...Helen Mirren was everywhere this past awards season. Click here (it takes a second, but it's impressive) and take a look at the beautiful back on this 61 year old actress -- I bet she can do 100 pounds on the lat pull down machine.
Our days of exercising less because we're older are GONE! Too busy? Too tired? That just means you need it more.
Take a cue from 76-year old Oscar winner Clint Eastwood:
"I do something every day—from walking or running to really hitting it hard in the gym, doing cardio or lifting weights. I've always been interested in fitness; it's never been a fad thing with me. These days, I just make sure that I'm more consistent, more dedicated.
As you get older, you have to keep at it more diligently."
So there's your motivation. This man is winning Academy Awards in his late 70's, supposedly in talks to direct Angelina Jolie in an upcoming film, and he works out every day.
So do something every day, including Saturday. This Saturday the walking club will meet on the Liberty Square, in front of Quotations dress shop at 7am. Quotations owner, the very well-dressed Phit Chick Vicky, will be our host.
Regardless fo your age, AARP's "Power Foods" have some great suggestions. And I've put the notes from EQ2's supermarket tour on the website, click here at and find it on the home page under "Workouts & Handouts."
If you're going to be in town Memorial Day weekend, I'll be teaching a yoga master class Saturday morning, and a workshop on Monday morning -- more details in next week's newsletter.
Create a healthy weekend [member_name_first], and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
"When I start losing interest, it's usually because I feel fat and unhappy. I go on a salmon-and-salad regimen and become a gym rat until I feel attractive to myself again, and my husband's interest follows."
Hmmmm. Is it just me or is every author and expert (from skin care to parenting to business success to s. e. x.) advising healthy nutrition and exercise?
Not into books? Let's go to Hollywood...Helen Mirren was everywhere this past awards season. Click here (it takes a second, but it's impressive) and take a look at the beautiful back on this 61 year old actress -- I bet she can do 100 pounds on the lat pull down machine.
Our days of exercising less because we're older are GONE! Too busy? Too tired? That just means you need it more.
Take a cue from 76-year old Oscar winner Clint Eastwood:
"I do something every day—from walking or running to really hitting it hard in the gym, doing cardio or lifting weights. I've always been interested in fitness; it's never been a fad thing with me. These days, I just make sure that I'm more consistent, more dedicated.
As you get older, you have to keep at it more diligently."
So there's your motivation. This man is winning Academy Awards in his late 70's, supposedly in talks to direct Angelina Jolie in an upcoming film, and he works out every day.
So do something every day, including Saturday. This Saturday the walking club will meet on the Liberty Square, in front of Quotations dress shop at 7am. Quotations owner, the very well-dressed Phit Chick Vicky, will be our host.
Regardless fo your age, AARP's "Power Foods" have some great suggestions. And I've put the notes from EQ2's supermarket tour on the website, click here at and find it on the home page under "Workouts & Handouts."
If you're going to be in town Memorial Day weekend, I'll be teaching a yoga master class Saturday morning, and a workshop on Monday morning -- more details in next week's newsletter.
Create a healthy weekend [member_name_first], and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
race season
Almost forgot: several races coming up, including the Mother's Day Run/Walk. Get yourself signed up so you'll get yourself moving!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
sharin' sharon's story
Yet another amazing Phit Chick tells her story....
My name is Sharon Muir. I am 35 years old, the wife of Rob and mother of 3 year old, Ethan. I have rheumatoid arthritis. I was diagnosed with this chronic illness 10 years ago. I take many medications to control my disease and take pain medication 3 times a day. My goal more than weight loss is to live a healthy life in a more healthy body. I am acheiving that goal by eating healthy including adding more veggies to my daily diet and eating smaller portions. In January 2007, I began taking the Women's Equilibrium Class. I have taken the class for 4 months now and have lost 10 lbs. Since 2005, I have slowly lost a total of 30 lbs. The most current 10 lbs. just melted off due to reshaping my body and reshaping my daily diet.
Do something amazing for yourself in May [member_name_first] -- from our very own Phit Chicks here are a couple ideas:
The Hillcrest Run/Walk on May 19, click here if you want more details, or email Phit Chick Denise, she has put a team together.
The Mother's Day run in Corporate Woods -- a 5K at 8:00am -- click this website for more info.
And of course, put Equilibrium on that list -- we start our May sessions next week, May 7th.
The walking club will meet at William Jewell College this week, in front of the Mabee Center. Saturday at 7am -- be there!
Have a good weekend, and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Create a healthy day~
Thanks to our walking club sponsors:
Quotation’s is a lovely women’s boutique located at 17 N. Water St. on the historic Liberty Square. Quotation’s carries unique fashions, accessories and small gifts. You’ll find service and a friendly shopping atmosphere when you visit.” Or “Quotation’s is a women’s boutique located at 17 N. Water St. on the historic Liberty Square. Shopping for mother of the bride, graduation, casual and office wear? Quotations can meet your needs, and there are new arrivals daily!”
My name is Sharon Muir. I am 35 years old, the wife of Rob and mother of 3 year old, Ethan. I have rheumatoid arthritis. I was diagnosed with this chronic illness 10 years ago. I take many medications to control my disease and take pain medication 3 times a day. My goal more than weight loss is to live a healthy life in a more healthy body. I am acheiving that goal by eating healthy including adding more veggies to my daily diet and eating smaller portions. In January 2007, I began taking the Women's Equilibrium Class. I have taken the class for 4 months now and have lost 10 lbs. Since 2005, I have slowly lost a total of 30 lbs. The most current 10 lbs. just melted off due to reshaping my body and reshaping my daily diet.
Do something amazing for yourself in May [member_name_first] -- from our very own Phit Chicks here are a couple ideas:
The Hillcrest Run/Walk on May 19, click here if you want more details, or email Phit Chick Denise, she has put a team together.
The Mother's Day run in Corporate Woods -- a 5K at 8:00am -- click this website for more info.
And of course, put Equilibrium on that list -- we start our May sessions next week, May 7th.
The walking club will meet at William Jewell College this week, in front of the Mabee Center. Saturday at 7am -- be there!
Have a good weekend, and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Create a healthy day~
Thanks to our walking club sponsors:
Quotation’s is a lovely women’s boutique located at 17 N. Water St. on the historic Liberty Square. Quotation’s carries unique fashions, accessories and small gifts. You’ll find service and a friendly shopping atmosphere when you visit.” Or “Quotation’s is a women’s boutique located at 17 N. Water St. on the historic Liberty Square. Shopping for mother of the bride, graduation, casual and office wear? Quotations can meet your needs, and there are new arrivals daily!”
Sunday, April 29, 2007
pieces of April
Happy Spring Phit Chicks!
Hopefullly you are making plans for your own "blooming" along with nature.
Use spring's built-in inspiration -- take in some sunshine and pump up your circulation tomorrow morning -- walking club will meet at the front doors of the Liberty Community Center at 7:00am. Live with intention. Make a decision now to be there, and show up. It'll be a perfect kickoff to a beautiful day.
April has been such a month of learning. This past week alone, I have heard from four women excited about losing weight, gaining spirits and feeling all-round good after taking some me-first steps. One in particular was telling me about her experience with Equilibrium being one of slow but amazing life changes. Exercise is fun; but I once again celebrate being in the business of inspiration not perspiration.
I was happy to discover that NetFlix also carries exercise videos, and ordered Shiva Rea's Creative Core Abs -- it is quite possibly the most beautiful exercise video (dvd) ever made. It's set in the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. It's like belly dancing on the mat. The first section is almost a modern dance performance. The third section is bit wild, and you won't see it in my classes, but the whole thing is just beautiful. See the talented Shiva in action here.
Phit Chicks are eco-friendly chicks, and I think you'll like for cool gifts and fun stuff.
I want these messages to be a bright spot in your day, but I must pay a brief tribute to another working gal/yoga teacher, a talented journalist and remarkable soul, Miss Julie Campbell -- with only two weeks left in her Peace Corps tour, tragedy came upon her. I took Julie's class years ago during a free evening of a business trip. Reflecting on this, and the horrific event in Virginia this week, I think about my ache-y knees, dirty laundry, looming work deadlines and take delight in my blessed life.
Create a healthy day~
Hopefullly you are making plans for your own "blooming" along with nature.
Use spring's built-in inspiration -- take in some sunshine and pump up your circulation tomorrow morning -- walking club will meet at the front doors of the Liberty Community Center at 7:00am. Live with intention. Make a decision now to be there, and show up. It'll be a perfect kickoff to a beautiful day.
April has been such a month of learning. This past week alone, I have heard from four women excited about losing weight, gaining spirits and feeling all-round good after taking some me-first steps. One in particular was telling me about her experience with Equilibrium being one of slow but amazing life changes. Exercise is fun; but I once again celebrate being in the business of inspiration not perspiration.
I was happy to discover that NetFlix also carries exercise videos, and ordered Shiva Rea's Creative Core Abs -- it is quite possibly the most beautiful exercise video (dvd) ever made. It's set in the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. It's like belly dancing on the mat. The first section is almost a modern dance performance. The third section is bit wild, and you won't see it in my classes, but the whole thing is just beautiful. See the talented Shiva in action here.
Phit Chicks are eco-friendly chicks, and I think you'll like for cool gifts and fun stuff.
I want these messages to be a bright spot in your day, but I must pay a brief tribute to another working gal/yoga teacher, a talented journalist and remarkable soul, Miss Julie Campbell -- with only two weeks left in her Peace Corps tour, tragedy came upon her. I took Julie's class years ago during a free evening of a business trip. Reflecting on this, and the horrific event in Virginia this week, I think about my ache-y knees, dirty laundry, looming work deadlines and take delight in my blessed life.
Create a healthy day~
pieces of April, part two
Hello from the windy city Phit Chicks. Though it's more of the rainy city today. Yesterday I returned from Washington DC, where I got to visit Tranquil Space, named one of the 10 most beautiful yoga studios by Conde Naste Traveler magazine. The owner Kimberlie has some fun podcasts on her website if you want to listen to some cool, interesting women interviewed.
Speaking of cool, interesting women, a big thank you to Phit Chick Vicki for being one of our three walking club sponsors. Vicki owns "Quotations" a dress shop on the square in Liberty. Yummy clothes! And constantly new stuff. A visit to Quotations is a must for any hip-dressed Phit Chick. Read more about Quotations below.
Tomorrow morning the walking club will meet at the front doors of the Liberty Community Center again at 7:00am.
Yesterday I landed in KC, hurried home, repacked the bag and ran back to the airport to head to Chicago. After working a few hours advocating for access to quality health care, I'm excited to tour some funky fitness clubs and yoga spaces.
Have a good weekend and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Create a healthy day~
Speaking of cool, interesting women, a big thank you to Phit Chick Vicki for being one of our three walking club sponsors. Vicki owns "Quotations" a dress shop on the square in Liberty. Yummy clothes! And constantly new stuff. A visit to Quotations is a must for any hip-dressed Phit Chick. Read more about Quotations below.
Tomorrow morning the walking club will meet at the front doors of the Liberty Community Center again at 7:00am.
Yesterday I landed in KC, hurried home, repacked the bag and ran back to the airport to head to Chicago. After working a few hours advocating for access to quality health care, I'm excited to tour some funky fitness clubs and yoga spaces.
Have a good weekend and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.
Create a healthy day~
Monday, March 19, 2007
Phit Stuff for Spring
Got a list of phit (as in hip, cool, and "fit" for a terrific gal like you) stuff for you to check out.
This weekend I am headed for another continuing education workshop to learn more yoga. I am anxious to share with you all the wisdom of Aadil Palkhivala, including new stuff on twists, backbends, inversions and joints.
Between all the reading and research and class design, I sometimes think I'm going to meet myself coming and going in fitness. But it's all about BALANCE, and since I'm a firm believer in walking the talk, I've also commited several hours to nuturing the creative Angela, and I learned a great deal from Twelve Secrets of Highly Creative Women. It's on my nightstand right on top of Fearless Living and about a dozen others. Gotta get caught up on that reading (not that that is a dreaded task).
Need new jeans for spring? Well, it only takes a few minutes in most dressing rooms for me to believe that I have one woman's waist and another woman's thighs. Save some self-esteem bashing in the dressing room; check out -- thank you phit chick sister Karen for this link -- answer a few quick questions about whether the waist is usually too big, etc, and find a list of jeans that fit you (of all prices).
Everybody loves a new t-shirt. And what is more fun than your very own Phit Chicks t-shirt. The designers unveiled their spring collections weeks ago, but the Phit Couture t-shirt for spring 2007 will be a fun one you don't want to miss. All you have to do is show up for at least two workouts during our Spring Fling.
Since women follow through commitments made to others, but not always on commitments made to themselves, here's your chance to assure you show up for a Spring Fling Workout. Click here and RSVP for the workouts you'll attend. In the comments section, indicate your t-shirt size: M, L, XL or XXL.
You don't want to leave a chick out several bucks for a t-shirt, so you'll show up. Get the workouts on your calendar, go online and RSVP, and we'll see you there.
I know there's lots going on. Make a little time in Spring Break for you. Go to and click on "Spring Fling" to save your spot.
This weekend I am headed for another continuing education workshop to learn more yoga. I am anxious to share with you all the wisdom of Aadil Palkhivala, including new stuff on twists, backbends, inversions and joints.
Between all the reading and research and class design, I sometimes think I'm going to meet myself coming and going in fitness. But it's all about BALANCE, and since I'm a firm believer in walking the talk, I've also commited several hours to nuturing the creative Angela, and I learned a great deal from Twelve Secrets of Highly Creative Women. It's on my nightstand right on top of Fearless Living and about a dozen others. Gotta get caught up on that reading (not that that is a dreaded task).
Need new jeans for spring? Well, it only takes a few minutes in most dressing rooms for me to believe that I have one woman's waist and another woman's thighs. Save some self-esteem bashing in the dressing room; check out -- thank you phit chick sister Karen for this link -- answer a few quick questions about whether the waist is usually too big, etc, and find a list of jeans that fit you (of all prices).
Everybody loves a new t-shirt. And what is more fun than your very own Phit Chicks t-shirt. The designers unveiled their spring collections weeks ago, but the Phit Couture t-shirt for spring 2007 will be a fun one you don't want to miss. All you have to do is show up for at least two workouts during our Spring Fling.
Since women follow through commitments made to others, but not always on commitments made to themselves, here's your chance to assure you show up for a Spring Fling Workout. Click here and RSVP for the workouts you'll attend. In the comments section, indicate your t-shirt size: M, L, XL or XXL.
You don't want to leave a chick out several bucks for a t-shirt, so you'll show up. Get the workouts on your calendar, go online and RSVP, and we'll see you there.
I know there's lots going on. Make a little time in Spring Break for you. Go to and click on "Spring Fling" to save your spot.
Spring Fling Workouts planned
Here is the correct handout for our Spring Fling workouts!
Sorry about yesterday's error. A lesson with cyber mail -- clicking 1/8 inch from where you shold and you've just sent 300 women the wrong handout!
So, another try: Get that calendar out -- it's time to plan for the Phit Chick's Spring Fling.
Liberty school’s are closed April 2—6, but no BREAK for you, Phit Chick! Get tone and trim and enjoy some sweat & laughter at these special workouts…
Outdoor Circuit
Join our soccer-coach, Phit Chicks trainer and all-round cool gal Laura Sorens for a 45-minute circuit of strength & your choice of jogging or power walking. Tuesday, April 3rd @ 9:00am
Retro Sweat Circuit
Get ready for shorts & no-sleeves in this circuit workout to 60’s,70’s and 80’s tunes.
Calories-B-Gone! Wednesday, April 4th @ 8:00—9:00am
Man Camp (Bring him!)
Golfer? Couch Potato? Main Squeeze?
All men welcome in this manly class featuring testosterone-friendly yoga poses & core strength exercises. (NOTE: We've moved this from the original Saturday date so childcare will be available at the community center.)
Thursday, April 5th 5:30—6:25pm
Cardio Salsa~
Muy Phit, Cliente Chicas will sweat our way through simple steps to hot Latin tunes. Bring your teenagers, bring your girlfriends, bring anybody who can say “cha, cha, cha.”
Thursday, April 5th, 6:30—7:10 pm
Pilates Circuit
My trainer friend Tina says this workout “gets your body hummin’” — gotta give it a try.
Thursday, April 5th, 7:10—7:45pm
All Phit Chicks are welcome. Use the "send to a friend" link at the very top of this newsletter.
Spring break will never leave you in such good shape. Go to and rsvp for a class today!
Or, email me here and let me know what you will attend.
Create a healthy day~
Sorry about yesterday's error. A lesson with cyber mail -- clicking 1/8 inch from where you shold and you've just sent 300 women the wrong handout!
So, another try: Get that calendar out -- it's time to plan for the Phit Chick's Spring Fling.
Liberty school’s are closed April 2—6, but no BREAK for you, Phit Chick! Get tone and trim and enjoy some sweat & laughter at these special workouts…
Outdoor Circuit
Join our soccer-coach, Phit Chicks trainer and all-round cool gal Laura Sorens for a 45-minute circuit of strength & your choice of jogging or power walking. Tuesday, April 3rd @ 9:00am
Retro Sweat Circuit
Get ready for shorts & no-sleeves in this circuit workout to 60’s,70’s and 80’s tunes.
Calories-B-Gone! Wednesday, April 4th @ 8:00—9:00am
Man Camp (Bring him!)
Golfer? Couch Potato? Main Squeeze?
All men welcome in this manly class featuring testosterone-friendly yoga poses & core strength exercises. (NOTE: We've moved this from the original Saturday date so childcare will be available at the community center.)
Thursday, April 5th 5:30—6:25pm
Cardio Salsa~
Muy Phit, Cliente Chicas will sweat our way through simple steps to hot Latin tunes. Bring your teenagers, bring your girlfriends, bring anybody who can say “cha, cha, cha.”
Thursday, April 5th, 6:30—7:10 pm
Pilates Circuit
My trainer friend Tina says this workout “gets your body hummin’” — gotta give it a try.
Thursday, April 5th, 7:10—7:45pm
All Phit Chicks are welcome. Use the "send to a friend" link at the very top of this newsletter.
Spring break will never leave you in such good shape. Go to and rsvp for a class today!
Or, email me here and let me know what you will attend.
Create a healthy day~
Thursday, March 08, 2007
fashionable fitness
One of my secret past-times is reading fashion magazines. No, I'll never own a $5k dress, but the fabrics and colors and sparkly accessories are just girl fun for me. In this month's Bazaar, it was fun to read the suprising mind-set of jet-setting, successful fashion designer John Galliano. Here's an excerpt for you....
Though he used to be the poster boy for all-night partying, Galliano now keeps to a 13-hour-a-week keep-fit habit, with different trainers for weights, boxing and aerobics. (He even runs on Christmas day.) His eating patterns have acquired a scientific reference: slow-burning carbs leading up to a show when he's doing as many as 40 fittings a day. "I'm responsible for 800 people's mortgages and 15 collections a year," he retorts. "You bet I train like an athlete."
I think that's intriguing because we are so accustomed to hearing how our priorities and pressures of life keep us to busy to exercise. Obviously using it as a reason to keep exercise as a priority works better.
I sometimes find it's just hard to fit in enough cardio, and I'm really excited about a new exercise product. Jumping rope is probably the best cardio you can get -- it doesn't take much space and it gets your body into incredible shape. The new Jump Snap is genius -- you won't trip on the rope! I set us up for a Phit Chicks group discount, so if you consider buying it jot down discount code 20JSINSTR because that'll get you 20% off.
I was recently introduced to a terrific networking tool -- it's like an online version of six degrees a la Kevin Bacon, but even better. Check out -- you can easily and quickly register yourself, introduce friends and connect to all kinds of people. Connect to me when you get on there and then email your friends. It's really fun to watch your contacts increase.
What does make-up guru Bobbi Brown say is the best thing for your skin? Hint: it's not a beauty product. Find out by clicking here.
We launched our March Equilibrium's this week, and with our week of spring break workouts (more on that soon) it's still a really good deal to sign up for March -- email me for details. The spring break workouts will include:Phit Chicks "Man Camp" -- bring him!
"Yoga at Home" workshop
Salsa Sweat, a latin cardio class followed by some ab work that'll give "sharing a six-pack with a friend" new meaning,
and several new circuit workouts.
More on the "fashion" all-time favorite workut wear is still Athleta, but I recently got a great deal (under $20!) on a sports bra I love at One Hanes Place. I'm also in love with the organic clothing from Blue Canoe soft & yummy yoga pants.
One more thing: runners & walkers mark your calendar for April 14th, the JayDoc Fun Run organized by KU Medical Students benefits their free clinic.
Make it a healthy day~
Angela Broderick, MA
Though he used to be the poster boy for all-night partying, Galliano now keeps to a 13-hour-a-week keep-fit habit, with different trainers for weights, boxing and aerobics. (He even runs on Christmas day.) His eating patterns have acquired a scientific reference: slow-burning carbs leading up to a show when he's doing as many as 40 fittings a day. "I'm responsible for 800 people's mortgages and 15 collections a year," he retorts. "You bet I train like an athlete."
I think that's intriguing because we are so accustomed to hearing how our priorities and pressures of life keep us to busy to exercise. Obviously using it as a reason to keep exercise as a priority works better.
I sometimes find it's just hard to fit in enough cardio, and I'm really excited about a new exercise product. Jumping rope is probably the best cardio you can get -- it doesn't take much space and it gets your body into incredible shape. The new Jump Snap is genius -- you won't trip on the rope! I set us up for a Phit Chicks group discount, so if you consider buying it jot down discount code 20JSINSTR because that'll get you 20% off.
I was recently introduced to a terrific networking tool -- it's like an online version of six degrees a la Kevin Bacon, but even better. Check out -- you can easily and quickly register yourself, introduce friends and connect to all kinds of people. Connect to me when you get on there and then email your friends. It's really fun to watch your contacts increase.
What does make-up guru Bobbi Brown say is the best thing for your skin? Hint: it's not a beauty product. Find out by clicking here.
We launched our March Equilibrium's this week, and with our week of spring break workouts (more on that soon) it's still a really good deal to sign up for March -- email me for details. The spring break workouts will include:Phit Chicks "Man Camp" -- bring him!
"Yoga at Home" workshop
Salsa Sweat, a latin cardio class followed by some ab work that'll give "sharing a six-pack with a friend" new meaning,
and several new circuit workouts.
More on the "fashion" all-time favorite workut wear is still Athleta, but I recently got a great deal (under $20!) on a sports bra I love at One Hanes Place. I'm also in love with the organic clothing from Blue Canoe soft & yummy yoga pants.
One more thing: runners & walkers mark your calendar for April 14th, the JayDoc Fun Run organized by KU Medical Students benefits their free clinic.
Make it a healthy day~
Angela Broderick, MA
Friday, January 26, 2007
winter soul-stice
from Dec 21st Phit Chicks newsletter....
Happy Winter Solstice [member_name_first]!
Today (if you're reading this Thursday) is the shortest day(light) of the year.
On a day of shortened light, ponder a few seconds on this ahppy thought...
"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." ---- attributed to the Buddha.
And, if you're reading this on Friday, happy first day of winter.
I -- along with Mandy, Mendy, Maureen, Laura and Laurel -- would like to take a moment to send a special thank you for a wonderful year in this relationship of business, fitness and friendship.
All my December travels have allowed me mucho magazine reading time; there's literally nothing in the news stand that I haven't at least skimmed the December issue. My favorite: a quote from
Cameron Diaz in Self: "You're responsible for your body. People seem to take better care of their cars." Speaking of Miss Diaz, she shows us how sexy a woman's back can be on the cover of W magazine. For heaven's sake, I wanted to start doing pull-ups right there in the airport. Visual proof of what a well-defined shoulder and back can do for your entire physique. On with the strength training!
And Women's Health (which I think is new) featured a two-page spread of some very effective core exercises, including the tried-and-true plank. Those of you who are career gals will love this new magazine Pink -- it's a combination of Oprah's magazine and Fortune.
And I promise this is the last time you'll hear this from me....the average woman gains 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. Keep moving.
For your calendar: the "Santa Buster," an aerobics class, will be at 8:00am on Dec 26th at the Liberty Community Center. And the next session of Equilbrium classes begin the second week of January, email me if you have any questions.
Enjoy the season, and we hope to see you in many new classes beginning January 7th! One last thing: put on your best Dr Suess voice and click here to read a special holiday message.
Have a wonderful holiday,
Happy Winter Solstice [member_name_first]!
Today (if you're reading this Thursday) is the shortest day(light) of the year.
On a day of shortened light, ponder a few seconds on this ahppy thought...
"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared." ---- attributed to the Buddha.
And, if you're reading this on Friday, happy first day of winter.
I -- along with Mandy, Mendy, Maureen, Laura and Laurel -- would like to take a moment to send a special thank you for a wonderful year in this relationship of business, fitness and friendship.
All my December travels have allowed me mucho magazine reading time; there's literally nothing in the news stand that I haven't at least skimmed the December issue. My favorite: a quote from
Cameron Diaz in Self: "You're responsible for your body. People seem to take better care of their cars." Speaking of Miss Diaz, she shows us how sexy a woman's back can be on the cover of W magazine. For heaven's sake, I wanted to start doing pull-ups right there in the airport. Visual proof of what a well-defined shoulder and back can do for your entire physique. On with the strength training!
And Women's Health (which I think is new) featured a two-page spread of some very effective core exercises, including the tried-and-true plank. Those of you who are career gals will love this new magazine Pink -- it's a combination of Oprah's magazine and Fortune.
And I promise this is the last time you'll hear this from me....the average woman gains 7 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. Keep moving.
For your calendar: the "Santa Buster," an aerobics class, will be at 8:00am on Dec 26th at the Liberty Community Center. And the next session of Equilbrium classes begin the second week of January, email me if you have any questions.
Enjoy the season, and we hope to see you in many new classes beginning January 7th! One last thing: put on your best Dr Suess voice and click here to read a special holiday message.
Have a wonderful holiday,
a week of amazing chicks
The week started with some dissappointment as the ice forced me to cancel my Sunday morning favorite yoga. But the forced "day off" was the beginning of a pretty wonderful week. I have a new elliptical and it sits right in the living room and I'm happy to report that I"ve been on it six of the past seven days for at least 30 minutes. It's not a real expensive model, and tends to rock side-to-side if you aren't careful. I look at it as encouragement to keep my core stable. :)
I've been lucky to see firsthand how cool it is to watch women on different paths and in different phases support each other. One amazing chick who always makes me laugh out loud is columnist Lisa Kogan. She tries to point out the commonalities we have as women in an article on expanded families for children of working mothers:
But I don't want to fight with you, Miss Nebraska. I've had enough of red state/blue state, your god or mine, tastes great versus less filling. The planet is divided enough at this point, so I'm officially calling for a cease-fire, a moratorium on snarkiness, or at the very least a modicum of tolerance. We are better than this—we are women. We crave potato products, we read witty novels, we notice shoes, we follow our gut, we try to keep men from becoming violent, and believe it or not, Miss Nebraska—there's one more thing we have in common: When all is said and done, we both want the best for our families.
Very good here to read the whole thing, which is quite funny.
Friday night, another amazing chick, photographer Annie Liebovitz. At a Rainy Day Books event, I watched a slide show of her photos and got her to sign my book. Annie has a amazing and enviable career, starting at age 19 being a photographer for Rolling Stone magazine and currently shooting covers for Vanity Fair and Vogue. I admire the guts this woman has. One of the photos in her book is her, pregnant at age 51. Yes, I said 51. That baby is now five years old, and she also has baby twins. And she's signing 1,000 books on Friday night. The Q&A surrounded photography, but I so wanted to raise my hand and ask her what she did to keep her energy up.
Now, about last week's challenge of creating micro-goals, well, Phit Chicks, you were so impressive!
Of all the amazing women I encountered this week, you are at the top of the heap. I heard from so many of you, and you all had several goals -- good ones! Way to many to list here, but in case you haven't written your micro-goals yet (the best ideas are stolen), here's a few really good ones:
Lori is going to get a Sam's membership and check out a food sealer so she can prepare meals for her family and eat out less often. She decided she's going to know what's for dinner before 5:00. (Do you know what's for dinner tonight?)
Jan is going to order Grande's instead of Venti's at the coffee shop, and walk her dog around the track twice instead of once.
Karen is going to do push-ups and sit-ups during commercials on TV night.
Debby is going to read food labels and look for info about sugar & flour and learn more about the Glycemic Index.
Trisha is going to keep a food journal and include info on how she feels when she's eating. Susan is going to walk on her lunch hour and put air in her stability ball. (You're not alone Susan, I talked to five people this week who haven't aired-up their ball.)
Laura is going to drink water when she's hungry, and noted that 2 out of 3 times, water is what her body really wants (smart, smart, smart!).
If you want to truly make a healthier change this year, write three micro-goals. Email me yours by clicking here. There's still time to get in on that yoga CD.
Speaking of which, I stayed away from the chocolate this week. And I made a really yummy cabbage dish for dinner. Phit Chick Trish told me about a recipe that used cabbage and frozen peas. I didn't remember all of it, so I made up this one...
Get a bag of pre-sliced cole slaw in the bagged salad area of the grocery store
Go to the salad bar and get a small container and fill it with purple cabbage, green onions and red onions
Get a very small bag of sunflower seeds or sliced almonds
Then, warm a bit of olive oil in a deep pan. I minced up a couple cloves of garlic first, we always have that in our kitchen. Then add the red onions (from salad bar mix). Then the bag of cole slaw for a couple minutes. Then the purple cabbage and green onions (scallions). It takes no time to cook. Top with sunflower seeds and enjoy!
Nice and colorful, chock full of nutrients, and I bet your kids, hubby, or S.O. will love it -- the tiny bit of olive oil and the sunflower seeds make it more flavorful than they are used to leavey veggies being.
Well, here it is midnight and it's looking like Mother Nature is going to force me to cancel class again tomorrow which makes me really nuts -- we're going to be making up January classes until August. While I'm getting over that, here's a few upper body strength exercises you can do with one simple set of dumbbells. Stay warm & safe.
Be amazing this week~
I've been lucky to see firsthand how cool it is to watch women on different paths and in different phases support each other. One amazing chick who always makes me laugh out loud is columnist Lisa Kogan. She tries to point out the commonalities we have as women in an article on expanded families for children of working mothers:
But I don't want to fight with you, Miss Nebraska. I've had enough of red state/blue state, your god or mine, tastes great versus less filling. The planet is divided enough at this point, so I'm officially calling for a cease-fire, a moratorium on snarkiness, or at the very least a modicum of tolerance. We are better than this—we are women. We crave potato products, we read witty novels, we notice shoes, we follow our gut, we try to keep men from becoming violent, and believe it or not, Miss Nebraska—there's one more thing we have in common: When all is said and done, we both want the best for our families.
Very good here to read the whole thing, which is quite funny.
Friday night, another amazing chick, photographer Annie Liebovitz. At a Rainy Day Books event, I watched a slide show of her photos and got her to sign my book. Annie has a amazing and enviable career, starting at age 19 being a photographer for Rolling Stone magazine and currently shooting covers for Vanity Fair and Vogue. I admire the guts this woman has. One of the photos in her book is her, pregnant at age 51. Yes, I said 51. That baby is now five years old, and she also has baby twins. And she's signing 1,000 books on Friday night. The Q&A surrounded photography, but I so wanted to raise my hand and ask her what she did to keep her energy up.
Now, about last week's challenge of creating micro-goals, well, Phit Chicks, you were so impressive!
Of all the amazing women I encountered this week, you are at the top of the heap. I heard from so many of you, and you all had several goals -- good ones! Way to many to list here, but in case you haven't written your micro-goals yet (the best ideas are stolen), here's a few really good ones:
Lori is going to get a Sam's membership and check out a food sealer so she can prepare meals for her family and eat out less often. She decided she's going to know what's for dinner before 5:00. (Do you know what's for dinner tonight?)
Jan is going to order Grande's instead of Venti's at the coffee shop, and walk her dog around the track twice instead of once.
Karen is going to do push-ups and sit-ups during commercials on TV night.
Debby is going to read food labels and look for info about sugar & flour and learn more about the Glycemic Index.
Trisha is going to keep a food journal and include info on how she feels when she's eating. Susan is going to walk on her lunch hour and put air in her stability ball. (You're not alone Susan, I talked to five people this week who haven't aired-up their ball.)
Laura is going to drink water when she's hungry, and noted that 2 out of 3 times, water is what her body really wants (smart, smart, smart!).
If you want to truly make a healthier change this year, write three micro-goals. Email me yours by clicking here. There's still time to get in on that yoga CD.
Speaking of which, I stayed away from the chocolate this week. And I made a really yummy cabbage dish for dinner. Phit Chick Trish told me about a recipe that used cabbage and frozen peas. I didn't remember all of it, so I made up this one...
Get a bag of pre-sliced cole slaw in the bagged salad area of the grocery store
Go to the salad bar and get a small container and fill it with purple cabbage, green onions and red onions
Get a very small bag of sunflower seeds or sliced almonds
Then, warm a bit of olive oil in a deep pan. I minced up a couple cloves of garlic first, we always have that in our kitchen. Then add the red onions (from salad bar mix). Then the bag of cole slaw for a couple minutes. Then the purple cabbage and green onions (scallions). It takes no time to cook. Top with sunflower seeds and enjoy!
Nice and colorful, chock full of nutrients, and I bet your kids, hubby, or S.O. will love it -- the tiny bit of olive oil and the sunflower seeds make it more flavorful than they are used to leavey veggies being.
Well, here it is midnight and it's looking like Mother Nature is going to force me to cancel class again tomorrow which makes me really nuts -- we're going to be making up January classes until August. While I'm getting over that, here's a few upper body strength exercises you can do with one simple set of dumbbells. Stay warm & safe.
Be amazing this week~
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