What an amazing October. A wonderful month personally for me, and you Phit Chicks just keep amazing me more everyday. If November lives up to half this, I'm not sure I can stand to finish the year.
Hints to make November wonderful:
1) Stock up on those fall veggies: acorn squash, sweet potatoes (SOOOO much better for you than white!), parsnips and peppers. Make some soups or stews or snuggly meals and freeze a few servings for busy evenings.
2) Get out in the air and get moving! Nothing energizes your day like a brisk walk in the fall.
3) Carve out some personal time. Do it now - grab your calendar and schedule that 30 minutes of reading, napping or playing this weekend.
Reminder to Cardio Dance & Yoga Basics students: we have a make up class this Saturday at community center. See you then.
Create a healthy day~
Angela Broderick, MA
Photos above:
Mr Right and I enjoyed the fabulous Vancouver at an annual conference for the North American Primary Care Research Group. My new "day job" is being Executive Director of this association of amazing minds. The red trees were beautiful in Vancouver.
Super-woman Phit Chick Kelly Stripling finished a 50K race (That would be 31 miles. Yep, you read that right.) last weekend "for fun." You continue to inspire us Kelly!
More Phabulous Phit Chicks did the 5k Race of the KC Marathon. From left to right: Tara Menzies, Mary Johnson, Mandy Froehlich, Sharon Muir. Good job girls. Extra kudos to Mary, who finished 8th in her age division! Mandy is on a roll and has everybody running; contact info@PhitChicks.com to get the next race dates.
Once wasn't enough for Phit Chick Denise Riley, who completed the Nike Women's 1/2 marathon last year, and had to return to San Fran this year and complete the whole darn 26.2 miles. Way to go Denise!
Sushi with girlfriends. From left: Kathy B, a trainer at Lifetime Fitness; me; Julia, school nurse at Pembroke Hill; and Ironwoman Jene. Seriously, Jene checked off a five-year goal this month by competing in the IronMan Triathlon in Hawaii. She's done a number of ironman distance triathlons, but you have to qualify for the Hawaii Ironman. She got in, she went, she finished, she is remarkable! Crazy, amazing woman! A corporate CFO, single mom-of-three who finds 20 hours a week to train. Way to go Jene!