Monday, August 30, 2010
Yoga + chocolate? Sign me up.
Yoga and chocolate workshops.
Hip Hop Yoga? Yes. Back Bay Yoga Studio in Boston has a class.
Noodle news
Jessica is working to create healthier food options for folks in Detroit.

Neighborhood Noodle sprinted out of the starting blocks!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Aerial Yoga

Here's a class in NYC and Sumya offers something like it in Kansas City.
Shape magazine has an interesting story online "7 Wacky New Yoga Styles" showing this and other styles of yoga.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
RX for cardio-induced ADD

My new iPad has been wonderful for overcoming my biggest obstacle to getting in longer cardio workouts (that obstacle is my mind).
I hit the treadmill and watched The September Issue, listened to a few tunes, checked my work email and then listened to more (faster) tunes. 90 minutes later, I am sweaty, happy and feel like I conquered the world (or at least the treadmill).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Neighborhood Noodle
Jessica moved to Detroit just recently to help solve their food issues (apparently folks in mid-town don't have access to grocery stores and often rely on 7-11 for food).
She's just the gal to do it.
travel size

A traveling woman's best friend: carries high end brands in TSA approved sizes. Carry it all on!
BTW, I've heard Dr. Hauschka is wonderful. Anybody know?
Friday, August 20, 2010
Now that's an office make-over
But I'm thinking of scrapping the whole project and setting up an office like this.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Danzzz, Mama, Danzzz!
Her aunt Kelley gave her a mini-trampoline for her birthday. After my initial "oh no, she'll get hurt" I let her give it a try. She's been jumping ever since.
It was over 100 degrees Monday and I wasn't going outside to walk. I wanted to spend some quality time with baby girl, so I decided we would "jump" and "dance."
Today is Wed, 48 hours after our 45-minute jump and dance session. I am so sore I can't get up from my desk without groaning.
We played this "Fat Burning Dance Party" DVD from Crunch while we jumped and danced. My girl could actually do the salsa arms while keeping up with the mini-tramp.
Here's how my workout went:
1) Jump on mini-tramp while counting to 10 aloud with baby girl (hey, it's educational now too!)
2) Do lunges while baby girl jumped. Cut her off at 60 seconds.
3) Do another exercise (push-ups, squats, standing leg lifts) while baby girl said "almost" a dozen times.
Then she jumps off and proclaims "mama turn" and I would repeat the whole sequence.
We also played Tracy Andersons first Dance Cardio dvd. When I first watched this a couple years ago, I was more than a little critical of her teaching skills. Or lack of them.
Not to mention the pathetic sexy looks she gives the camera (I have a feeling men buy this DVD? maybe not for exercise????) More on this later...
Anyway, I'm liking it more and more, and the coolest thing about this DVD is the MUSIC is awesome!
And she doesn't cue at all in the final workout, so you can just jam to the tunes.
Fast forward 48 hours and my legs and butt are SORE. And baby girl exclaims "Danzzz Mama Danzzz!" everytime she sees me.
Ladies, you can be a working Mom and exercise too, you just have to be willing to look like a complete fool.
images via Amazon
Home office re-do
Purple over-the-knee boots. I wish.

Seriously, isn't the Eggplant gorgeous?
I can't imagine over-the-knee boots at my office. Mostly because that would mean I was also wearing a really short skirt (no) or leggings and a tunic (another no at work).
Monday, August 09, 2010
Exercise in Paris

This post from Hip Paris is too funny.
I especially laughed at this thought:
The message about exercise in the US: It’s hard, but we still do it. Or even, we do it because it’s hard.
This doesn’t fly in France, where the motto is more like: “If it’s hard (not to mention unflattering), why do it?” Why not just go for a drink instead?
sweet, sugar-free kid
Planning the party was easy. My fun started when I found red pom pom fringe trim at MJ Trim (a wonderful store I discovered on a NYC trip; bought the trim online).

Then I found the fabric (I know, this is backwards) at Joann's - a darling gingham in M's fave color, "Lellow."
On a different NYC trip, I literally stumbled into the FABULOUS Fishs Eddy and bought my new favorite dishes, these bowls in red.

Add balloons from Etsy (thanks Joanna) and flowers from Dad, and you have a beautiful table.
That was the fun part.
Stocking it with sugar-free goodies a la Amy Atlas was going to be more challenging.
Here's what I included:
rasberries, blueberries and blackberries as toppings for sugar-free ice cream
pretzels in a glass jar with a red ribbon
small boxes of raisins
dried banana chips
yogurt-covered pretzels
popcorn boxes from Target with "Happy Birthday Mirabella" labels (and popcorn!)
The kids seemed to like it. So far my girl doesn't miss sugar because she doesn't know it exists. Her fave foods are watermelon, grapes and yogurt.
We do have to mix plain yogurt with fresh fruit, since most yogurts have an outrageous amount of sugar (read the labels!) and others have Splenda or sugar-alcohols. (NO!)
We've managed to pull off birthday parties, Halloween and Easter baskets without it. We'll see how long it lasts!
Monday, August 02, 2010
August Goals, Hopes and Dreams
She even has the guts to go review the month and admit what she has and hadn't accomplished. Talk about accountability.
So I'm giving it a try this month.
August Goals, Hopes and Dreams
Get a physical with new family physician.
Perhaps buy a new iPad.
Enjoy bachelorette time while hubby is in Colorado.
Reorganize my closet.
Get the new carpeting put down in the basement.
Paint the basement ceiling so the new carpeting can be put down.
Do a one-day Blue Print Cleanse.
Complete the outline for Mission-Centered Marketing book. Yep, I'm writing a book.
Complete work projects: re-write advocacy communications and webpages, promote annual meeting, develop a new concept for site for international medical students and outline a list of resources for a website for community FM preceptors. Whew.
Attend meetings for Family Medicine Working Party and CAFM. Just call them really smart docs.
Start studying for CMP and CAE exams in Dec/Jan.
Stay consistent with exercise. Walk 12 miles per week. Get in one yoga class per week.
Enroll Mirabella in fall classes for French, gymnastics and music.
See Eat Pray Love movie. Can't wait!
Labor Day will be a party if I get half of this done.