Back from the Great Ideas Conference in Colorado Springs at the gorgeous, luxe Broadmoor.
Wow what a treat.
The Broadmoor made healthy, delicious meals for our conference breakfasts and lunches. And they even had Agave Nectar at their coffee service.
They also had beautiful cupcakes in the coffee shop -- I'm talking about the ones that make your mouth water just looking at them. And I managed to restrain myself! Three days, no cupcakes. Big pat on the back for Angela!
If you followed my facebook or twitter, you know I brought back a load of mommy-guilt presents for baby girl: three books, two rubber duckies (from the spa gift shop) and a "Colorado Rider" Harley-esque t-shirt - complete with flames - for my girl. The t-shirt has a tricycle where the Harley would normally be. Too funny.
But the spa ducks win the cute prize.
One thing I loved at this conference was the ribbons for the badges.
You know how conferences offer those ribbons to attach to your badge that in some form say "I'm really important?" Actually they say something like "Speaker" or "Committee Member."
This conference had ribbons that said "Colors Outside the Lines" and "Twitter-pated." They were laying on a table for anybody to take. Felt much more community than hierarchy. Love it.