
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wander Woman

We are blessed with some beautiful weather in Kansas City this week.  And it's inspired some unscheduled down time for this working mama.

Our new True treadmill arrived at 8am Saturday morning, and I'm happy to say I'm batting about 800 -- I've gotten on it for at least two miles every day, most days 4+ miles.   (BTW, this treadmill = the best investment we've ever made!).

All this extra exercise has made my knees and feet and hips HURT and I went for a massage yesterday. 

So all this self-care, paired with extra outdoors time with baby girl, and an unplanned two hour drive with Mr Right, has this woman WAY behind.  

My lawn is ugly.  My house needs some serious organizing.  

We've done exceptionally well with nutrition this week, eating all the chicken we grilled on Sunday, and having lunches with lots of brussel sprouts and spinach.  And Mr Right keeps the kitchen spotless.  

My professional life is excelling, and I'm ahead of 90% of it.  Serious check-marks on the Ta-Da list this week.

The tulips are peeking up out of the ground (I didn't plant those though, Mr Right hired somebody to do it).    We are going to have a beautiful tulip garden amongst a bunch of dead grass.   Nominations for "best home owners" coming soon, I can feel it.  Oh, that lawn.  And I'm tripping over at least three baskets of laundry.

Ah to be wonder woman.  I'd love to feel like Wander Woman.  

Despite all my accomplishments, and this glorious weather, I have to WORK to not feel like a slacker. 
How do you stay mentally ahead of all your "musts?"