
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

"Healthy Marketing" webinar

I'm excited about this webinar I'll be leading next month for the National Wellness Institute. Please tell your exercise/wellness colleagues and friends.

Here's the details:

Healthy Marketing: Effective, Affordable Promotion Ideas for Your Programs
In this webinar, learn the most cost-effective ways to promote your health or wellness business, your wellness programs, and yourself. Important checklists will be covered, but new ideas that are easy-to-implement will be shared so you can increase attendance and participation right away. We will cover marketing techniques that are based in authenticity and purpose, not in-your-face selling or obnoxious advertising. Learn the latest and most effective ways to market and to get more people healthier!

Following the webinar, participants will be able to:
•know specifically what to include in headlines and content to increase participation in programs.
•choose from 30 new cost-effective, easy-to-implement ideas to promote their programs, their business, and themselves.
•understand the importance of personal branding and its relevance in helping people make healthy choices

Who Should Attend:
•fitness trainers/instructors
•wellness program coordinators/directors
•health and wellness educators, wellness coaches, wellness business owners
•members of organizations such as NWI, ACSM, IDEA, CHES, and NSCA

Registration Fee:  NWI Member: FREE
Non-NWI Member: $55