
Monday, March 21, 2011

"Ready...OK" - Cardio Cheer a big hit in Philly

The Lithe Method, founded by former USC cheerleader Lauren Boggi, has students jumping for joy, and fitness.

Boggi, the founder of the incredibly popular Philly-based Lithe Method, uses a cardio-cheer-sculpting method at her studio.

Although there’s a barre in the room—don’t let that fool you. Instead of concentrated low-impact movements a la Lotte Berk, this boutique workout owes its inspiration to cheerleading.

“We do a lot more cardio, aerobic activity than your average barre class,” Boggi explains. “Lots of people come in and expect Pilates and barre, and you are going to get that, but your feet are definitely going to leave the ground.” Resistance bands suspended from the ceiling complete the system.

Inspiration and photo courtesy of Well and Good NYC