
Thursday, November 18, 2010

step deja vu

In 1996, Larry Durant & I taught a step workshop to aerobics instructors at Lakeshore Athletic Club.

I'm at a conference at the Fairmont Millenium Park in Chicago, and this morning I walked over to the health club that the hotel sends guests to for workouts. Stood there and felt a deja vu thing.

Then I remembered -- November 1996. Packed studio of 100+ sweaty, enthusiastic instructors.

Some of it is funny now. The Madonna-mic, the capri tights, the CASSETTE tapes of the perfect workout mix we toiled over for hours. We were step rock stars.

Today, I watched the teachers in the studio who seem SO YOUNG and SO FIT and I really miss those days. Endless hours of cardio with no knee pain. Wearing sports bras with no worry about a t-shirt to cover baby-belly.

Wouldn't trade my place in life for anything, but, well "those were the days, my sweaty friends!"