
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Professional crushes

For a long time, I had a professional crush on Mireille Guilano. CEO of Veuve Clicquot -- is there a better job? Then to be an author. Too good.

Then I went through a phase watching Dara Torres - pure fitness envy.

Then Anna Wintour (how could you not with all the "September Issue" hype?)

Then Keith Johnson and Glen Senk -- but I was more envious of their style and homes. Ok, maybe more envious of their professional life.

Now I've come full circle and am envious of Mireille again. I downloaded her new book to my kindle last night. I read her "business manifesto" on her website today. "Bad hair is a branding catastrohpe for women." Sounds so shallow, but so darn true!