
Thursday, October 04, 2007


Hope you're planning to come this Saturday when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) we will send you a t-shirt!
And by the way, this new email is working now -- send your questions, comments and thoughts to this address. In case of storms or lightening, always check before you leave; it will be updated by 6:15am.
Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? Well, this book I've been reading has an entire chapter on it. I'm finding it to be so accurate. 80% of your stress probably comes from 20% of your life/issues. And 80% of your happiness certainly comes from 20% of your activities. What are those activities? What do you do that makes you happy? Spend time with friends? Spend time alone? Walk? Move? Listen to music? Going to a class, planting flowers, taking a trip, long baths?
You know where this is going....I bet coming to walking club or exercise class gets you several things on that "makes me happy" list. Put a few more on that list and increase your happy-ness!
Come Saturday to walk. Meet one new Phit chick. Call a current friend you haven't had time to converse with lately, offer to pick her up and bring her.
Here's your challenge: Do one thing every day this weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- that increases your happy-ness.
Remember that Phit Chick Trainer Mandy (who by the way, is looking PHABULOUS in her post-baby body!) has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. Details are at the bottom of this email.
Create a healthy, happy weekend [member_name_first]~

October 20-Waddel and Reed KC Marathon, Kansas City 5K , $25 if you sign up before October 6th. To register click on:
November 18th- Jingle Bells Run/Walk for Arthritis, Zona Rosa ($25 registration)
To join Mandy's team click here and sign up: