What a week.
Last week was a whirlwind at a conference in San Antonio. Got home Friday afternoon and Mr. Right picked me up at the airport. Friday evening included an amazing dinner at Blue Stem followed by a 50th birthday party for a dear friend at a home (practically a museum) near the Nelson Atkins Museum. Saturday was a hilly trek thru Briarcliff followed by snacks at Green Acres Market, rushing off to teach Cardio Dance & Yoga Basics. Then a fast shower and quick trip around I-435 to a meeting where a new trainer I've been consulting for is opening a fitness studio in a few weeks. Whew. After Sunday yoga and brunch with Mr Right I slept for two hours. Still need (and love) eight hours of sleep!
Thursday, October 04, 2007
San Antonio
Well, end of another LONG day at a conference..began with early breakfast with a sponsor, many sessions and speakers and ended with a focus group on Rural Health Information Technology.
Have to get to the gym even with my workout fatigue...been two days with no exercise and I feel lousy. Very tired now, heck it's only an hour from my usual bedtime. But I will drag myself there. I will, I will, I will. No margaritas, no mexican food, treadmill.
I do know I'll feel better afterwards. And I must confess, having my network of Phit chicks keeps me honest; one must practice what one preaches!
Have a good evening, and don't forget your "happy-ness" exercise!
Have to get to the gym even with my workout fatigue...been two days with no exercise and I feel lousy. Very tired now, heck it's only an hour from my usual bedtime. But I will drag myself there. I will, I will, I will. No margaritas, no mexican food, treadmill.
I do know I'll feel better afterwards. And I must confess, having my network of Phit chicks keeps me honest; one must practice what one preaches!
Have a good evening, and don't forget your "happy-ness" exercise!
Hope you're planning to come this Saturday when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) we will send you a t-shirt!
And by the way, this new email info@Phitchicks.com is working now -- send your questions, comments and thoughts to this address. In case of storms or lightening, always check www.PhitChicks.com before you leave; it will be updated by 6:15am.
Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? Well, this book I've been reading has an entire chapter on it. I'm finding it to be so accurate. 80% of your stress probably comes from 20% of your life/issues. And 80% of your happiness certainly comes from 20% of your activities. What are those activities? What do you do that makes you happy? Spend time with friends? Spend time alone? Walk? Move? Listen to music? Going to a class, planting flowers, taking a trip, long baths?
You know where this is going....I bet coming to walking club or exercise class gets you several things on that "makes me happy" list. Put a few more on that list and increase your happy-ness!
Come Saturday to walk. Meet one new Phit chick. Call a current friend you haven't had time to converse with lately, offer to pick her up and bring her.
Here's your challenge: Do one thing every day this weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- that increases your happy-ness.
Remember that Phit Chick Trainer Mandy (who by the way, is looking PHABULOUS in her post-baby body!) has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. Details are at the bottom of this email.
Create a healthy, happy weekend [member_name_first]~
October 20-Waddel and Reed KC Marathon, Kansas City 5K , $25 if you sign up before October 6th. To register click on: http://www.waddellandreedkcmarathon.org/register/
November 18th- Jingle Bells Run/Walk for Arthritis, Zona Rosa ($25 registration)
To join Mandy's team click here and sign up: https://www.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=232457&team=2639480
And by the way, this new email info@Phitchicks.com is working now -- send your questions, comments and thoughts to this address. In case of storms or lightening, always check www.PhitChicks.com before you leave; it will be updated by 6:15am.
Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule? Well, this book I've been reading has an entire chapter on it. I'm finding it to be so accurate. 80% of your stress probably comes from 20% of your life/issues. And 80% of your happiness certainly comes from 20% of your activities. What are those activities? What do you do that makes you happy? Spend time with friends? Spend time alone? Walk? Move? Listen to music? Going to a class, planting flowers, taking a trip, long baths?
You know where this is going....I bet coming to walking club or exercise class gets you several things on that "makes me happy" list. Put a few more on that list and increase your happy-ness!
Come Saturday to walk. Meet one new Phit chick. Call a current friend you haven't had time to converse with lately, offer to pick her up and bring her.
Here's your challenge: Do one thing every day this weekend -- Friday, Saturday and Sunday -- that increases your happy-ness.
Remember that Phit Chick Trainer Mandy (who by the way, is looking PHABULOUS in her post-baby body!) has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. Details are at the bottom of this email.
Create a healthy, happy weekend [member_name_first]~
October 20-Waddel and Reed KC Marathon, Kansas City 5K , $25 if you sign up before October 6th. To register click on: http://www.waddellandreedkcmarathon.org/register/
November 18th- Jingle Bells Run/Walk for Arthritis, Zona Rosa ($25 registration)
To join Mandy's team click here and sign up: https://www.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=232457&team=2639480
the in's and out's of sucking it in :)
I mentioned that have been reading Tim Ferriss's "Four Hour Work Week" and last week, I mentioned NOT managing your time.
This week, I enjoyed the rest of the book and his encouragement to free up time to do what you love. Stuff you love, stuff you want to do. Ever thought of doing a race? Phit Chick Trainer Mandy has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. She was kind enough to share the details -- note them at the bottom.
Mark your calendar now for Saturday Oct 6th when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) get a t-shirt!
I've started a new session of Yoga Basics, and the students are grappling with the "engaging the abs" and the "breathing." Pilates and yoga teach different breathing, but there's so much to learn before you get to the point of discussing the differences. With Pilates, there's an emphasis on a forced exhalation to draw in the transverse muscles, thereby allowing all abdominal muscles a deeper contraction.
Just remember, do NOT "suck it in" and hold your breath. Try very hard to practice (always, right now even!) to pull your lower abdominal muscles in, just wake them up.
If you've been in my classes you've heard a million times to "zip up your jeans." And that's what you're after, not buttoning a tight skirt, and consequently "sucking it in" but zipping up the lowest abdominal muscles.
And it's similar but different for cardio. If you enjoy indoor cycling (I certainly love it!), this article explains more about diagphramatic breathing in spinnning class.
This week, I enjoyed the rest of the book and his encouragement to free up time to do what you love. Stuff you love, stuff you want to do. Ever thought of doing a race? Phit Chick Trainer Mandy has her Equilibrium gals psyched up to do some races this fall. She was kind enough to share the details -- note them at the bottom.
Mark your calendar now for Saturday Oct 6th when the walking club will meet at Green Acres Market in Briarcliff. You MUST attend -- loads of fun plus a free t-shirt just for showing up! RSVP here, the first 20 Phit Chicks to rsvp (and yes, you must actually show up and walk) get a t-shirt!
I've started a new session of Yoga Basics, and the students are grappling with the "engaging the abs" and the "breathing." Pilates and yoga teach different breathing, but there's so much to learn before you get to the point of discussing the differences. With Pilates, there's an emphasis on a forced exhalation to draw in the transverse muscles, thereby allowing all abdominal muscles a deeper contraction.
Just remember, do NOT "suck it in" and hold your breath. Try very hard to practice (always, right now even!) to pull your lower abdominal muscles in, just wake them up.
If you've been in my classes you've heard a million times to "zip up your jeans." And that's what you're after, not buttoning a tight skirt, and consequently "sucking it in" but zipping up the lowest abdominal muscles.
And it's similar but different for cardio. If you enjoy indoor cycling (I certainly love it!), this article explains more about diagphramatic breathing in spinnning class.