
Friday, August 17, 2007

Breast Cancer Patient Protection Act

Hi there [member_name_first]~
I sooooooooooo love the Windy City! Just returned from four wonderful days in Chicago. Enjoyed learning sessions at a conference, plenty of walking, shopping and a COOl breeze off the lake.
Important stuff this week!
I met with Shannon at Green Acres last week -- a very sweet gal with a cool business. (You HAVE to go there. The yummy smelling soy candles and organic soaps are reason enough.) Anyway, Green Acres is bringing in Lorna Vanderhaeghe for a seminar on Tuesday night, September 11th. A timely and important women's health topic: "The Hormone Triangle: Adrenals, Liver & Thyroid." The flyer is on our website (see "Resources), but put this on your calendar now.
Here are three fun ways to stay cool in this KC heat:
1) freeze juice in ice cube trays and drop them in Diet Sprite for a delish punch-like drink
2) finish your shower with a cool blast of water. Come on - they do it at spas and charge a fortune.
3) dress in light clothes, keep your hair off your neck and face, and forget the make up -- then it's easy to wipe your face with a cool wet cloth any time of day.
A wedding photographer told me one time that when brides are about to overheat, they rub ice on the inside of their wrists, where the blood runs close to the surface of the skin. I swear it works.
Thanks for your interest in our Phit & Phabulous classes that start this fall. Including the flyer again if you missed it. A note of clarification: there's a new "Yoga Basics" class on Saturdays at the community center and also a "Yoga 101" workshop. The workshop is a chance to listen, watch and then try the basic poses and sequences -- please forward to any friends who want to try yoga and haven't quite signed up yet.
Last week I shared info on a bill about payment for post-masectomy care. I decided signing a petition is great, but I think we should make some phones ring. (Besides I found out the petition listed the bill numbers from the first time the bill was introduced, not the bill numbers of 2007.) So call your congressional representatives and tell them you expect them to support Bill # HR119 & S 459. If you live in Liberty your representative is Sam Graves and the local office number is 792-3976. In Missouri, our senators are Kit Bond and Claire McCaskill, their DC office numbers are:
Bond: 202-224-5721
McCaskill 202-224-6154
So make a phone call, stay cool and fit in your exercise.
In fitness & in health,