
Friday, July 06, 2007

Hello from San Diego!
Yesterday was a full day of a yoga pre-conference program. Heard from Lorna Francis, PhD, about the connection of the mind and body, and how instructors inadvertently teach clients to control their mind by teaching control of the body. We've heard that exercise is more efficient with the mind engaged, but Dr Francis theory is that by "exercising" control of the body (i.e. where your arm is placed, where your body is in space) you learn to better control your mind. Interesting. Then a wonderful session, "Yoga with Intention" with Lauren Eirk. Liked her so much I stayed for the next one she taught, "Progressions in Yoga," -- always been a big deal to me -- studios so often have no intermediary steps. The teacher shows a pose, then you are supposed to do it, or not. The fitness teacher in me always has been big into teaching progression. Ms Eirk shared some fabulous ideas and thoughts that I am anxious to implement. Then Lawrence Biscontini did a very imaginative mind-body circuit, using foam rollers, gliding discs and combined yoga, tai chi, Pilates and Feldenkrais. What a day!