
Thursday, May 10, 2007

"what's age got to do with it?"

This week the Phit Chick news is inspired by Gail Sheehy, author of the famed Passages and her latest, >>> and the Seasoned Woman. In a recent interview Ms Sheehy talks about recharging passion, and, yes, dear readers, once again you can guess the magic answers...
"When I start losing interest, it's usually because I feel fat and unhappy. I go on a salmon-and-salad regimen and become a gym rat until I feel attractive to myself again, and my husband's interest follows."
Hmmmm. Is it just me or is every author and expert (from skin care to parenting to business success to s. e. x.) advising healthy nutrition and exercise?
Not into books? Let's go to Hollywood...Helen Mirren was everywhere this past awards season. Click here (it takes a second, but it's impressive) and take a look at the beautiful back on this 61 year old actress -- I bet she can do 100 pounds on the lat pull down machine.
Our days of exercising less because we're older are GONE! Too busy? Too tired? That just means you need it more.
Take a cue from 76-year old Oscar winner Clint Eastwood:
"I do something every day—from walking or running to really hitting it hard in the gym, doing cardio or lifting weights. I've always been interested in fitness; it's never been a fad thing with me. These days, I just make sure that I'm more consistent, more dedicated.
As you get older, you have to keep at it more diligently."
So there's your motivation. This man is winning Academy Awards in his late 70's, supposedly in talks to direct Angelina Jolie in an upcoming film, and he works out every day.
So do something every day, including Saturday. This Saturday the walking club will meet on the Liberty Square, in front of Quotations dress shop at 7am. Quotations owner, the very well-dressed Phit Chick Vicky, will be our host.
Regardless fo your age, AARP's "Power Foods" have some great suggestions. And I've put the notes from EQ2's supermarket tour on the website, click here at and find it on the home page under "Workouts & Handouts."
If you're going to be in town Memorial Day weekend, I'll be teaching a yoga master class Saturday morning, and a workshop on Monday morning -- more details in next week's newsletter.
Create a healthy weekend [member_name_first], and remember, there are 24 hours in each day, take one for you.