
Sunday, April 29, 2007

pieces of April

Happy Spring Phit Chicks!
Hopefullly you are making plans for your own "blooming" along with nature.
Use spring's built-in inspiration -- take in some sunshine and pump up your circulation tomorrow morning -- walking club will meet at the front doors of the Liberty Community Center at 7:00am. Live with intention. Make a decision now to be there, and show up. It'll be a perfect kickoff to a beautiful day.
April has been such a month of learning. This past week alone, I have heard from four women excited about losing weight, gaining spirits and feeling all-round good after taking some me-first steps. One in particular was telling me about her experience with Equilibrium being one of slow but amazing life changes. Exercise is fun; but I once again celebrate being in the business of inspiration not perspiration.
I was happy to discover that NetFlix also carries exercise videos, and ordered Shiva Rea's Creative Core Abs -- it is quite possibly the most beautiful exercise video (dvd) ever made. It's set in the White Sands National Park in New Mexico. It's like belly dancing on the mat. The first section is almost a modern dance performance. The third section is bit wild, and you won't see it in my classes, but the whole thing is just beautiful. See the talented Shiva in action here.
Phit Chicks are eco-friendly chicks, and I think you'll like for cool gifts and fun stuff.
I want these messages to be a bright spot in your day, but I must pay a brief tribute to another working gal/yoga teacher, a talented journalist and remarkable soul, Miss Julie Campbell -- with only two weeks left in her Peace Corps tour, tragedy came upon her. I took Julie's class years ago during a free evening of a business trip. Reflecting on this, and the horrific event in Virginia this week, I think about my ache-y knees, dirty laundry, looming work deadlines and take delight in my blessed life.
Create a healthy day~