Thanks to clients weight loss (well, more often new friendships and fun than weight loss), we have an overwhelming need for more Equilibrium classes. What an exciting fall we are going to have!
These three got the most votes (meaning the most people picked them up and tried them) AND the highest scores. This highly scientific scoring system (yeah right) allowed Phit chicks to give a "10" to indulgences VERY worth 10 minutes on the treadmill and a "1" to anything that was a waste of calories. Christopher Elbow's Bananas Foster and Rosemary Caramel rated 8.8. Next was Classy Chocolates yummy dipped strawberries with 7.5 and then Whole Foods Truffles with 6.2. The Dove chocolates were a close fourth place.
Christopher Elbow is located in the Crossroads District, Classy Chocolates is on the square in Liberty, and unfortunately, the closest Whole Foods is in Overland Park at 91st & Metcalf.
A special thanks to Phit Chick Cheryl C-T. for bringing us Mozart Chocolate Liqueur in honor of Mozart's 250th birthday. It sort of deserved it's own category. Only four people were brave enough to try the yummy stuff, but it scored a 7.8 out of 10!
Thanks to all Phit Chicks who took time to attend and participate! And double Kudos to those of you who walked or did yoga this morning.
You can not exist in this world today and not see Oprah everywhere. I"m not a TV watcher but I am a big fan of her magazine, and this month there is a wonderful article from an obesity physician who has lost over 100 pounds (page 133 in Feb issue). She shares "Four Things I've Learned" that is worth passing on:
1) The foods I'm craving will be available tomorrow. Pepperidge Farm and McDonald's are not going out of business anytime soon. My obsession with a particular food will eventually pass if I work through it.
2) It's ok to ask for help. Sharing my vulnerabilities actually strengthens me.
3) Food is just for the nourishment of my body; it will not solve anything else pressing in my life.
4) Taking the time to prepare my meals in the morning, even if it means I'll be late for work, is an expression of self-love.
I think these "Four Things" are just brilliant! Not to mention extremely useful.
A quick reminder that the winter walking club will meet this Saturday at 7:00am at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church.
Remember, this Friday night at 6:00pm is the Phit Chicks Winter Open House. We'll be judging chocolate. You'll get to rank several samples on their "treadmill worthiness" and the Phit Chicks will pick our overall indulgence most likely to be worth 15 minutes on the treadmill. Balance doesn't mean doing everything in the middle; that's too close to doing everything mediocre. So join us this Friday to sample some good chocolate and get psyched to plan healthy meals and work out even smarter in February and March.
As mentioned by the obesity physician in O Magazine, taking time to prepare healthy meals is an expression of self-love. And this Friday night we'll be learning to prepare five lunches and five dinners in under one hour.
One more plug for "Zen Fitness for Improved Productivity" it'll help you with your job, your kids, your relationships & your health. Learn meditation and breathing exercises for real people. And not to worry, it's very mainstream, no weird incense burning or anything. It's an evening workshop on Thursday, Feb 9th at the Liberty Community Center, meets only one time and is only $19. Register at 792-6009.
Since I"m talking about magazines today, did you notice Sheryl Crow on the cover of January issue of Shape? At 43 years old, she is looking incredibly trim, and apparently does so with an hour long run every day. She also says she joins Lance on the "first leg" of his bike rides (which is only two hours!). Seeing a busy recording artist keep up that kind of cardio schedule should provide inspiration for at least walking on Saturday morning! Hope to see you then -- Bring your friends -- everyone is welcome.