Garance has a fabulous {old} post on going to the gym -- through the eyes of a gal in Paris. NOTE: click on "translate" in the upper right corner to see it in English.
This darling blogger was featured in the New York Times. Add her to my list of "I want to be ...."
My favorite from this post:
Et attendez, la control freakitude de la recherche de la perfectitude physique ne s’arrête pas là, les calories sont indiquées PARTOUT ! Un cookie, c’est 500 putain de calories !!! Chez Starbucks c’est paranoland. Vous ne voulez pas savoir le nombre de calories d’un Frappucino, je vous assure.
Tout ça, ça n’arriverait jamais à Paris. Enfin, pas dans mon Paris à moi, fait de croissants, de cigarettes et de rien foutage à la terrasse des cafés. Yep, sans même de culpabilité.
I swear, I know lots who get up at 6 in the morning to go running in their gym! Even I sometimes I think! But I do not because I'm too lazy! MY GYM OPENS AT 5am !!!!!! They are crazy people or something?
And wait, the Control Freak attitude, totally to the pursuit of physical perfectitude does not stop there, calories are listed EVERYWHERE! A cookie is 500 calories whore! Starbucks is paranoland. You do not know how many calories a Frappucino, I assure you.
All this would never happen in Paris. Well, not in my Paris to me, made croissants, cigarettes and anything foutage the terrace cafes. Yep, without guilt.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
knee-friendly jump rope
Fitness Magazine caught my eye with "Burn 160 Calories in 15 Minutes."
The exercises are pretty much all jumping rope, and my 40+ knees sometimes like jump rope more than others. (Many women have told me a bigger problem is post-mom bladder.)
I have to say that jumping rope is a surprise, and though it looks like a highest-impact activity, it actually isn't. The lower leg muscles have to control the rebound, and you don't leave the ground hardly at all.
(Bonus: lower leg muscles toned for spring dresses and heels.)
I find what folks really hate though, is tripping on the rope. How can it be so hard to do something I did for hours when I was 10 years old?
Two options that are a bit more knee-friendly (and less frustrating!):
1) No rope. That's right - just pretend you are jumping. As silly as it sounds, you won't get frustrated tripping on the rope and you won't have to quiet the "Cinderella, dressed in yella..." chants from your childhood (which make you feel even more silly).
2. Jump Snap. I've gotten emails from these folks for quite awhile, and apparently Dr Oz gave them quite an endorsement. Try it!
My imaginary rope OR the Jump Snap will make a great cardio option for an interval workout. Jump for two minutes, then do a strength exercise. A simple, cheap and effective workout for indoors until the snow melts!
The exercises are pretty much all jumping rope, and my 40+ knees sometimes like jump rope more than others. (Many women have told me a bigger problem is post-mom bladder.)
I have to say that jumping rope is a surprise, and though it looks like a highest-impact activity, it actually isn't. The lower leg muscles have to control the rebound, and you don't leave the ground hardly at all.
(Bonus: lower leg muscles toned for spring dresses and heels.)
I find what folks really hate though, is tripping on the rope. How can it be so hard to do something I did for hours when I was 10 years old?
Two options that are a bit more knee-friendly (and less frustrating!):
1) No rope. That's right - just pretend you are jumping. As silly as it sounds, you won't get frustrated tripping on the rope and you won't have to quiet the "Cinderella, dressed in yella..." chants from your childhood (which make you feel even more silly).
2. Jump Snap. I've gotten emails from these folks for quite awhile, and apparently Dr Oz gave them quite an endorsement. Try it!
My imaginary rope OR the Jump Snap will make a great cardio option for an interval workout. Jump for two minutes, then do a strength exercise. A simple, cheap and effective workout for indoors until the snow melts!
Friday, February 04, 2011
Party of two and a half
Mr Right and I used to have fabulous parties for watching the Oscar's.
Gold buttercream cake? Wow.
I've been holed up with a cold, and now my whole family has it. I won't be wearing these beautiful accessories or getting a rad manicure for an outrageous party. I'll be catching up on work and laundry. Hopefully I'll have a healthy toddler by then. But what a glittery start I have to planning a 2012 Oscars Party. :)
Gold buttercream cake? Wow.
I've been holed up with a cold, and now my whole family has it. I won't be wearing these beautiful accessories or getting a rad manicure for an outrageous party. I'll be catching up on work and laundry. Hopefully I'll have a healthy toddler by then. But what a glittery start I have to planning a 2012 Oscars Party. :)